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View Full Version : Is this something I should worry about?

19th January 2010, 05:20 PM
An attatched negative thought form is currently sending many of my body parts and organs negative energy while intending to give me different kinds of potentially life ending illnesses.

Can anyone tell me if it's actually possible for me to get sick from this form of an attack? And if so, aside from attempting to remove the thought form (anyones methods are also welcome), is there anything I can do to prevent myself from getting ill?


19th January 2010, 06:04 PM
Yes and no- permit me to try to explain, and please understand this is my view:

The mind has power over the body. You can see how this is so when you look at subjects like stigmatics, and why placebos work for a time- they work for the time you believe they work. In fact, the author of the Holographic Universe talks about how in his practice, he had patients who were diagnosed with incurable (end-stage) terminal illnesses, who actually got better when he gave them placebos (usually actual medicines that had been 'proven' not to work)- to the point in which some of them recovered- until they started reading scientific literature that said the medicines didn't work- and the patients, once convinced the medicines 'really' didn't work, slipped back into their disease.

So how does this work? Some negs (and I have 'caught' some doing this to me, btw) work by using suggestion- slipping suggestions into your head convincing that there is something wrong with you- and your own mind does the job of making you sick. You then suffer, and by suffering you feed the neg it gets stronger, and a vicious circle is begun.

What to do? I would employ 'classic' countermeasures, and add to them a few things: I would get a healing affirmation tape to run in your head while you're going to sleep. There are many out there, and can help 'deprogram' you from what the negs are doing.

So if you have access to a healer who can help you get rid of the attachments, or employ countermeasures yourself, and add affirmation CDs, it should help.