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View Full Version : Hemi sync listening instructions?

26th February 2010, 01:58 PM
What hemi sync sound file (I have the gateway) is best for inducing an obe?, there are so many so I don´t know If you should listen to them all or if some can be skipped?
Is there any particular listening order that is extra beneficial to induce an obe?


26th February 2010, 06:21 PM
Hello, Magic.

I had my first exit sensations upon listening to the Focus 10 introduction track for the first time, and I had my first spontaneous etheric OBE the night after listening to the Focus 12 track - I guess for the first time, too.

In general you use the Focus 10 tracks over and over to entrain to this kind of trance. Already in the Focus 10 or 12 tracks I experienced very strong trance sensations - including stretching of time. For example in Focus 12 I suddenly listened to the whole track in half speed at least - impossible with my CD player, purely induced by the trance. In other sessions time stretched arbitrarily.

In this sense I would say the Focus 10 and 12 introductions are vital for learning how to induce these states, and then you can practice a deeper entrainment with the "Advanced Focus XX" and "Free Flow Focus XX" tracks.

After entraining the trances for a while you can try the tracks that teach exit techniques, or use your own when using the Free Flow tracks.

All other tracks are optional. They teach helpful energetic tools for dealing with different aspects. I healed a developing stress condition with the "Energy Bar Tool" and "Living Body Map" exercises. This was my first contact with energy work.


26th February 2010, 07:15 PM
Ok thanks alot :)
But should I concentrate on the sounds or my breathing when listening. (I also plan to do a full relaxation technique before listening)


26th February 2010, 10:17 PM
Well, the Focus 10 intro track teaches a progressive relaxation technique to be used with all tracks. It's interwoven with a cue to get back to the Focus 10 level.

As for your other question - I'm not sure either. The whole Focus 10 induction is one guided exercise. Listening to sounds of surf, working with the "energy conversion box" (an emotional tool), resonant tuning (an energy work based on humming) - there's plenty to do. What I found is that I just don't know what to do afterward. Just give it a try yourself.
