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16th March 2010, 09:06 AM
Is there anything I can do to prevent at least one of the negs that are attached currently from talking telepathically to people I know?

16th March 2010, 02:19 PM
No, the best thing to do is ignore them when they talk to you. Never mind what they do to other people- the more attention you give them, the worse it is for you.
You can always tell them, but I'm sure it won't be well received.

16th March 2010, 02:23 PM
...the more attention you give them, the worse it is for you.

Thanks! I just realized that.

Robert Bruce
18th March 2010, 02:46 AM

I recommend headphones or earbuds and an mp3 player. These can be worn and played 24/7

Have uplifting music and talking books playing constantly in the background.

This will have two effects.

It will pour a stream of positive things into your subconscious mind.
It will distract the Negs


14th May 2010, 10:18 PM
The content of the talking seems to be getting worse.

Can anyone reccomend anything elce?

The music, books and other things is often telepathically relayed to people.

The talking now seems to be bothering people with already difficult lives who I'd like not now to see antipsychotic medications for their entire lives for something I think could be prevented in the short term.

...A demon attached to my mother often reads my mind throughout the day, but it allways fails to speak to me tellepathically for some reason. I don't know if my higher self or a guardian angel or something elce prevents it from speaking to me. And the negative thought form often fails to talk to spiritual advisors when I speak to them over the phone, so I'm sure that some things can slow down the telepathy, but I'm not sure what exactlly would work and what I should do.

14th May 2010, 11:31 PM
...A demon attached to my mother often reads my mind throughout the day, but it allways fails to speak to me tellepathically for some reason. I don't understand this. How do you know she has a demon? Do you see it?

15th May 2010, 12:25 AM
...A demon attached to my mother often reads my mind throughout the day, but it allways fails to speak to me tellepathically for some reason. I don't understand this. How do you know she has a demon? Do you see it?

an accurate Clairvoyant person I know often says she has one. But I personally can't see it.
it often speaks to her and tells her my thoughts so that I do not try too hard to remove it.
My mother isn't telepathic and has no psychic abilites.

15th May 2010, 02:55 AM
My mother isn't telepathic and has no psychic abilites.
1) Everyone has psychic abilities. They are most often undeveloped, unless they are 'virtuosi'- that is, 'gifted'. Most people don't recognize their psychic abilities, so that they don't acknowledge events when they happen. Mostly they decide stuff happens because of coincidence or chance.

2) A mother doesn't have to be telepathic to communicate extralocally with her children- there can be a connection that enables them to constantly transfer ideas between each other. It's possible that this is what is happening, unless it's something that torments her.

It seems that you are taking some other person's word over what you can see and hear. I think this may be dangerous.

Think of it like this: If this happens and that happens and then someone tells you it's because of X reason, this is more credible than if nothing abnormal is happening, except for one person telling you something is.

I'm not saying she doesn't have a demon, because I can't know. If you see negative paranormal stuff happening, and someone tells you it's an entity, then chances are it is an entity- but if nothing paranormal is happening, and you don't see anything paranormal happening, and someone tells you there is an entity problem that only they can see, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

So, do your countermeasures and protect yourself and your mother if you want to, but don't lose your peace of mind because someone is telling you stuff that you can't see or hear.


15th May 2010, 04:23 PM
My mother isn't telepathic and has no psychic abilites.
Everyone has psychic abilities. They are most often undeveloped, unless they are 'virtuosi'- that is, 'gifted'. Most people don't recognize their psychic abilities, so that they don't acknowledge events when they happen. Mostly they decide stuff happens because of coincidence or chance.

I ment that she hasn't intentionally developed them and that she has often said that she hasn't experenced the characteristics of many of the most common psychic abilites in many years. She's also not skeptical of the existance of psychic abilities and has tried to develop them with me in the past, but she wasn't successful.

A mother doesn't have to be telepathic to communicate extralocally with her children- there can be a connection that enables them to constantly transfer ideas between each other. It's possible that this is what is happening, unless it's something that torments her.

Allways she says things like "the voices told me to tell you that you've been...too much". She never speaks of things that could be known with telepathcally or intuitively in ways that suggest that she gets information from her own discoveries and realizations. And before she started hearing the voices, she never spoke of things that could be known telepathically and when she doesn't hear them, she doesn't.

It seems that you are taking some other person's word over what you can see and hear. I think this may be dangerous.

My thinking was that she was afflicted by negative spriits before hearing from someone elce that she had a demon attached to her.

I'm not saying she doesn't have a demon, because I can't know. If you see negative paranormal stuff happening, and someone tells you it's an entity, then chances are it is an entity- but if nothing paranormal is happening, and you don't see anything paranormal happening, and someone tells you there is an entity problem that only they can see, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Often when I've been not afflicted by negs, paranormal things have happened to her. Just about everything I've experienced when I''ve been troubled, she has also experienced when I have not.

Sudden pains and uncontrolled body parts, feelings of not being in her body while watching it do negative things, throwing up along to the sound of the taunting of the negative voice, having items go missing and malfunction before hearing from the negative voice that such things will happen, physical problems that often can't be traced to actual illnesses are some of the things that she frequently experiences.

15th May 2010, 05:51 PM
So both you and your mom have been practicing to achieve psychic skills? What does she think those voices are? Did she ever ask the voices? What would you say how your "NEG-troubles" started? First with you or your mom? What happened first?
I still think you need to find the source/origin of your troubles to solve this. Maybe there is something that you are supposed to learn? Something you are trying to ignore and tries to get attention?

By the way: Does your mom agree with you writing about this here? I hope she knows and is ok with it... Always a bit tricky when third persons are brought up in such topics in this way.

In my experience you can only stop entities that surround you to communicate with others, by not having any entities surround you. Theoretically there are shields, which one can build, that do prevent communication, but such shields can be drained of their energy and destroyed. So those work best, when the shield stays unnoticed, which in this case I think is unlikely.
So I come back again to say, you need to find the origin/reason and resolve what is going on. So far you mostly try to work on the symptoms, as far as I can tell.

15th May 2010, 06:13 PM
So both you and your mom have been practicing to achieve psychic skills? What does she think those voices are? Did she ever ask the voices? What would you say how your "NEG-troubles" started? First with you or your mom? What happened first?

My mother doesn't believe in negative spirits because the voices have her convinced that they are some kind of higher power. I've had neg problems since I was very little (not real bad ones like the ones that starterd 2 years ago).

My mother started having things happen to her when I was about 5, and I started having problems around 6.

By the way: Does your mom agree with you writing about this here? I hope she knows and is ok with it... Always a bit tricky when third persons are brought up in such topics in this way.

She aggrees with all the things exept my beliefs pertaining to negs. I only braught her up because what is attached to her can not speak to me telepathically, and even if it could, that wouldn't remove my belief that the thoughtform can't often (sometimes it can) speak to many people who have tried to help me.

Does anyone think something like creative visualization or some kind of amulet would help stop the negs from talking to people?

I'm not planning to suggest to people who are bothered by my problems that they should learm a whole new set of skills, but couldn't a shield be programed and built in ways that make it resistant to energy drainage?

Are there any telepaths who have found it diffucult to use their abilites when in certian situations?

17th May 2010, 04:14 PM
I think part of the problem is that she doesn't see a problem with this (which could be bad, or not) and you do- if bad things are happening to y'all because of these voices, then it's one thing.
At this point, I'd defer to professional healers, of all disciplines.