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18th March 2010, 01:01 PM
Hiya gang!

I've had a few thoughts recently and want to know if anyone has any experience or advice about this. Can you use affirmations to affirm how powerful (very) affirmations work for you? (ie. The more you use these affirmations, the more powerful affirmations in the future will work) Lines such as "My affirmations always come true" or simliar, can these be used to empower future affirmations?

18th March 2010, 01:26 PM
It might work.

You might convince yourself (subconsciously) by repeating such affirmations that your affirmations will be more effective. I would expect limits to the effect, however.


18th March 2010, 02:21 PM
affirmations work for me. especially this one, because i am potentially apt to go wrong at any moment in it.

affirmation: "I am an asshole". now believe it or not, by having this affirmation cycling around in me, I am more responsive to others and less reactant as my behavior would have me be.

i figure that it's better for me to say this to myself, then to hear it one more time from my wife. lord knows she has said it enough, saying, "you're an asshole!".

it is just a mechanism adopted over time, but it seems to be there for the long haul, relentlessly wired in i reckon.

sometimes though, that mechanism is the only right thing to utilize. mathematically, it often takes two negatives to create a positive.

the trick is to not let the mechanism/s use you, or rather me in this instance.

just thought i'd throw that in...


and way cool, i just realized that i can cuss like a freight train and it is edited for me. i did not know that. wouldnt want to offend anyone's sensitivitys. kinda like a pair of latex gloves, that lil editing program. :mrgreen:

18th March 2010, 02:47 PM
i figure that it's better for me to say this to myself, then to hear it one more time from my wife. That was hilarious, Tim. But don't use it as an excuse to do whatever you want to do, because, after all,... :wink:

18th March 2010, 07:31 PM
Affirmations can be a means to self-hyptonize, and place new behaviors and reactions, and every day responses. It helps to put yourself into an Alpha state first. This can be done by watching TV for less than 15 minutes. In fact, watching tv while attempting Lama Yeshe's Vase Breathing brought better results, faster, than just Zazen meditation. TV really can be the devil when you realize how easily the images and thoughts get placed in your head subconciously.

Anywho.. a bit off topic.

Not only does Robert bruce recommend affirmations, Glenn Morris, author of American Ninja Master does as well. I think even Hermantics uses some affirmations.

My thoughts only..

20th March 2010, 02:02 PM
Dennis Leary. took me two days to figure out what ya was pointing at. omg, that's funny. :lol:

21st March 2010, 08:23 AM
Dear folks,

it is my experience that affirmations work only if one truely believes in / accepts them. If the slightest doubt takes over, the affirmation becomes powerless, I guess that's why you repeat it so often - until you fully accept it :lol:
