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View Full Version : Chakra burn

24th March 2010, 11:07 PM
Hi there,

sometime last year I was practising kumbhaka, and now I have a burn mark on the right side of my face. Is there some way I can remove this ? I have stopped the kumbhaka but still feel, on a regular bases, pulses and vibrations throughout my body.

Any ideas ?


25th March 2010, 01:09 AM
Hi Anees.
Have you been to a doctor? Breath retention is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure, and the only reason I can imagine that you would have a burn in your face is the flush of a high blood pressure problem. So I would start with getting your blood pressure checked both in normal conditions and while holding your breath, and see if it climbs dangerously high.
I can't see any other connection with this other than normal 'rashes' that sometimes occur when starting out with energy work, but clear up once you get used to it. And if you are practicing kumbhaka I'd venture to guess that you are not a beginner.

Pulses and vibrations are there whether you practice energy work or not- when you start doing it (any kind) you begin to become aware of the sensations that are always there (but were previously ignored) and once you start to notice, it is very difficult to 'stop noticing'. So the only thing I can say is ground, ground, ground, and busy yourself with everyday mundane things- but I can't guarantee that you will stop noticing energy sensations, just be distracted from them.

25th March 2010, 08:05 PM
Hi CFTraveler,

many thanks for your reply. Yes, I did suffer from high blood pressure a few years ago, however, it is normal now. I have been doing kumbhaka and its helped me lower my blood pressure.
The other effects were:

excessive heat generation in the body.
childhood regression ( i still occasionally experience this ).
mood swings.
sometimes feeling so detached from the world.
ability to see shadows from the corner of your eye.
clairaudience, very strong when asleep.
high sex drive, but this varies :)

I decided the stop because i have a wife and 2 small kids but decided to take it up again and this time just focus very very slowly on grounding and working with the base chakra.