View Full Version : break up work into blocks

25th March 2010, 07:23 PM
Is it possible to break up energy work into smaller units throughout the day, and if so, would there be special considerations to insure continuity?
Thanks To All For Your Time,

Neil Templar
25th March 2010, 08:29 PM
Is it possible to break up energy work into smaller units throughout the day?

of course.
any free time is good for practicing energy work. 5 mins here or there. sitting waiting for something. on a bus/train travelling places. on your lunch break at work. whatever. :D
i've recently developed a habit of doing it on the bus, i'm travelling most days right now. it's a little difficult to remain focused, quite noisy and always stuff to look at, pretending to be asleep helps. :wink:

25th March 2010, 09:30 PM
I think that it is better to do energy work separately from projection attempts, whether you break it up or not- I do however recommend energy raising as part of the preprojection routine.
So, yes.

26th March 2010, 12:48 AM
Hello, CFTraveler,
Could you clarify your statement regarding "energy raising as a part of the preprojection routine"? I understood this to mean doing energy work, then immediately starting your projection efforts. I am hoping it means do energy work at some point in the day, then within the same day, proceed with OBE efforts.
Thank You,

26th March 2010, 01:32 AM
You don't have to do energy work on the same day that you do a projection attempt, although it's a good idea to do it (EW) as much as possible. For example, I do general work every day, and once or twice a week I do more extensive work with other 'bells and whistles'. But I don't do it as part of the attempt. The only thing I do that is energy work related during the attempt is to raise energy (full body circuit) and energy body loosening, if I'm using a bouncing technique (not always).

So yes, kind of what you said.