View Full Version : In the Arms of the Angel

1st April 2010, 11:56 AM
I woke up from a dream in which I was talking to a friend of mine who in RL is addicted to meth and having a very hard time. In the dream, the song "In the Arms of the Angel" by Sarah McLachlan is playing. My friend talks affectionately about her boyfriend, and at one point calls him "Mr. Furball Something-or-other" as a term of endearment (which I've never heard her say in RL lol.) I wake up feeling tranced out and start crying and don't know why, and can't stop. It's half an hour later and I'm still crying a little. I do have a feeling she may have done something foolish, but who knows.

Dreams don't usually affect me this much. I tried calling her, but it was 7:30 in the morning and so there was no answer. I also called her mother, who didn't have any information on how she was doing and was of course not amused that I called her so early crying about her daughter for no discernible reason.

I have no idea what it means, I just had to share. Thank you guys for listening.

23rd April 2010, 09:45 PM
You need of course to get in touch with your friend. I have had deep crying dreams. They do stay with you for a while. Watch a funny movie, it helps... the Pink Panther with the late Peter Sellers, does come to mind. Or better yet, read jokes on the internet: comics.com, cleanjoke.com,