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View Full Version : Seeing your own double, shadow memory, telepathic links

2nd April 2010, 04:34 PM
I would like to start out by saying Thank you! Thank you for your books, for this website, and for this forum. :)

I have a few questions about your experiences.

Shadow memories.

In the Double Trouble Experience section in Astral Dynamics, you mentioned an experience where you perceived from the physical body's side and saw an astral being coming down through the ceiling, a being that you later realized was your double.

Do you know if you Were you using astral vision when you perceived the double or if you were seeing the entity with your physical eyes?

What did it look like? Or rather, how did you perceive it?

Did it look like your physical body or was it more a realization that it was a version of you?

My curiousity comes from a personal experience. I became aware and found myself floating above my body and was using my arm to tug at some paper that was taped to the door. It was one of the experiements that I had hoped to try out: to see if I could move anything physical while non-physical. Unfortunately, the hand went right through the papers. So, I decided that I wanted to see what I look like. I had noticed that my arm looked like transparent Jell-o, and I was curious what the rest of me looked like (a squid?). The plan was to float over to a mirror and then see what I look like, and whether or not I could change my appearance. But, what I thought was: "I want to see my double."

Instead of going anywhere, a woman popped up. She was standing by the foot of the bed. She looked like a shell, as if it was just a hologram. And, she did not look much like me at all. She had different hair, she was a bit pudgy but not overweight, white skin (the color), and she had those weird alien bug eyes. Somehow I knew that what I saw was my double. In fact, some imagery was used to convey the message that she was my double: she looked like a double exposure. Still, I found it a bit hard to accept that my double would not look similar to what I look like. I was also a bit surprised to see those weird eyes. This experience happened after I read Astral Dynamics (thank you again). So, that is why I am curious if your double looked exactly like you or if there were any discrepancies.

I did not form eye contact and only saw her profile. It was almost as if she was deliberately avoiding eye contact. Yet, there seemed to be nothing going on with her, as if she was not really there. For some reason I got so dismayed at what I thought was just dream imagery, that I decided to fall asleep instead. I have been kicking myself for doing that instead of trying to communicate with the double or continuing to explore what was going on.

Telepathic contact.

I know someone who had an episode of a telepathic merging once, while awake. He and this woman suddenly found themselves locked in and the two could perceive and feel what the other was perceiving and feeling, at the same time. Apparently, it was a major overload and was completely unexpected. They were in a car when this happened and it was a huge effort for them to come to a safe stop and to find a telephone to call a friend for help. I have thought about that story, and about your Double-Trouble experience, and it would seem that what you described happened with your double can also happen between two people.

Might it be possible that the astral being that you saw were not you? But, that you merged with someone else and downloaded its shadow memories?

Have you experienced a telepathic feedback link with someone else?

In the Double Trouble experience, you still retained the memories of the physical body. Is it correct then that it is not necessary to adopt one set of memories but that both sets can be retained?

One of the more perplexing experiences that I have, and this happen very often, is that I become aware that my body is asleep, that I am in my room, and that I am at the same time talking with one or more people. It is as if the memory is being scrubbed, or deleted, as it is happening. I rarely remember the topic of the conversation. Sometimes I remember the person or people involved, but just vaguely. These are discussions that seem to be going on for hours. I assume that this could be caused by the mind-split phenomenon. I can accept that two things are occuring at once, but can't seem to retrieve anything more from the part of me that is doing the talking.

Have you experienced anything like this?

State-specific memories.

I have been wondering if OBE memories are state specific and if it might be possible to retrieve more shadow memories from within that state.

Have you been able to retrieve memories during an OBE of previous such experiences?

Best Regards

Robert Bruce
8th April 2010, 09:22 AM

I will attempt to answer some of your points here.

During the experience in question, my physical body mind was using astral sight. I was aware of this and what it was.

My astral double appeared a bit younger. My physical body, seen by my astral double, looked normal, as I actually was at the time.

I have not experienced astral feedback with another person or astral being.

I am certain that my astral double was 'me'.

Mind split experiences are fairly common, including being aware of having multiple conversations and experiences happening simultaneously.

There does not seem to be a choice of downloading this or that memory stream. It just happens. This can be improved on, of course, by using technique, eg, passionate and deliberate reentry, dream recall, energy work, affirmations and commands, etc.
