View Full Version : Drink only WATER

24th April 2010, 09:27 AM
(since the old thread was 'lost'...)

Water is the only liquid substance the human body needs.

All other fluids, save a few herbal teas, juices and concoctions are less and lower than humble H20.

The spiritual adept, looking for efficiency in mind and body should only consume that which his body needs.

Coffee, coca cola, alcohol etc... it needs not these things. They will only accumulate in our nadis, clog up the meridians and weigh down the spirit. If they were neccessary we would have had rivers of coke, alcoholic rain etc. Nature provides everything, anything other than veers towards the toxic.


24th April 2010, 11:07 AM
Mostly agree with water being good, except babies need breast milk.
Regarding coke and the like (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM&feature=player_embedded#!)

Neil Templar
24th April 2010, 12:20 PM

I came to this planet another time, rather reluctantly I might add, to live, and to experience.
I've over-indulged with many vices, and seen/done things that would make the spiritual adept crap his pants.
We come into this life to experience, and share experience with those around us, not live a life of denying ourselves sensation.
If God wanted us to drink only water, the fruits wouldn't be juicy.
We wouldn't have taste buds on our tongues. And our brains/ sensory receptors wouldnt have the ability to make us enjoy sensory pleasures...

Nature/life, provides more than just water and vegetables.
And life isn't solely about being a spiritual adept.

It's about balance, in all respects.
The "spiritual adept" that keeps being referred to, sure might be "adept", but I reckon his life is a pretty dull one. With all the self-denial it seems to involve, I think I'll opt to continue LIVING, while I'm still here.

I'm spiritualy "aware", I meditate, I do energy work, sometimes I even go as far as a yoga session ;-p
I drink tea, coffee and alcohol (shh, don't tell God, please).
I masturbate/ have sex, and nobody gets hurt.
I keep all of these activities down to what I perceive a balanced/acceptable amount. Not over-doing any of them.
Like I said, it's all about balance.

I'm yet to walk on water or levitate. Most likely due to all that

Neil Templar
24th April 2010, 12:23 PM
And if the old thread was lost, surely the"spiritual adept" would accept the impermanence of all things, and his non-attachment to what he's created, and simply let the thread go?....

Neil Templar
24th April 2010, 02:03 PM
Sorry, if I seem argumentative.
I guess I'm just done with "rules".
Seems from the moment we're born, we're told "how things are", how we "should" act.
Well I'm living freestyle... Whenever possible...;-) within the boundaries of what I perceive to be appropriate. Inner guidance provides me with rules for living appropriately.
Each of us an in-built rule book, and it's user-specific.

Now, with that in mind, I wish u all a splendid (freestyle) weekend...:-D

24th April 2010, 02:49 PM
it's all about balance
That is also my experience.

I'm yet to walk on water or levitate. Most likely due to all that
Maybe it's just because you don't really have any particular need to levitate or walk on water. I know in my experience, unless I have some reason to do something, I generally don't.

24th April 2010, 11:09 PM
does water alone replace essential electrolytes?

:::drinks coffee::: :::smokes my umpteenth cigarette::: :::burps up taco bell:::

none of which have a darned thing to do with what comes out of me in offense of me.

well maybe i did pass a wee bit of gas. but i am not offended in the least by it. i feel liberated of it actually.

im afraid i am unworthy of being a 'spiritual adept'.

oh well... :?

drinks are on me...play some music and lets make merry.

this reminds me of a joke about Bono at a U2 concert in Scotland me thinks. he was doing that clapping thing saying that every three seconds when he claps his hands an innocent child dies in africa. well Bono quits talking and is just clapping, on and on he claps every three seconds. suddenly in the crowd a drunkin scottishman stands up, having had quite enough of this torturous clapping, and he crys out over the silent crowd to Bono, "well...stop clapping yur hands ya bloody evil bastard!!!"


24th April 2010, 11:27 PM
:lol: Tim

I came to this planet another time, rather reluctantly I might add, to live, and to experience.
I've over-indulged with many vices, and seen/done things that would make the spiritual adept crap his pants.
We come into this life to experience, and share experience with those around us, not live a life of denying ourselves sensation.
If God wanted us to drink only water, the fruits wouldn't be juicy.
Like I said, it's all about balance.

Thats really the funny thing though. If he believes he should go to the extreme, then that is a totally valid experience for God. If someone wants to remove the negative because he sees it as bad, then that is correct as well, because there is no real free will, in our decisions, no matter how unbalanced to our being, we are still only providing balance to the world. Balance is usually the best way to go for an individual, but so long as the world is seperated there must always be people of extremes to balance out the opposing extremes. Wanderer balances against excessive indulgence, and at the same time experiences for us. Soreally, there is nothing to say because all is right nomatter how 'wrong' they are.
Personally, I think purity is great for acumen, and sometimes that is what is needed. What wanderer speaks of is more like the abscence of something than the overindulgence of purity.
I dont know if I could live off water, though I would like to. Thats a "supernatural ability" that needs to be developed, or could cause death.

24th April 2010, 11:51 PM
I wouldn't worry too much about the whole adept thing. I'm pretty sure Jesus drank wine. On the whole, though, I do think in the interest of good health, once we are weened, our main drink should be water.

25th April 2010, 09:23 PM
Neil, 'drinking only water' does not exclude the liquid from fruits, to extend the subject matter I would say "consume only natural foods/drinks" water is the only practical substance mother nature provides and imo we should trust it thus.
The billions of mammal species fare well on just water, Its unwise to challenge those odds. No softdrinks wont kill you, but its not dull living without these sugar rush beverages. Also, the idea of living as wholistic (ie drinking only H2o) as possible is to generate abundant vital energy so life can be lived to its maximum potential. Atleast thats how i see it.

there seems to be a lot of needless suspicion over the term 'spiritual adept' in my OP, sorry if didnt use terminology you are comfortable with, but Im reffering what I considered a norm of people who frequent an astral projection forum. I quit soft drinks 4 months ago and alcohol 6, I appreciate what you say about moderation, but I am always looking to improve my mind/body, and toxic foods, not matter how sparce, simply have no function in this process.

25th April 2010, 09:46 PM
I once drank eight cans of red bull in ten minutes and haven't touched he stuff since :?

25th April 2010, 11:47 PM
I was on that diet for the longest. I don't realy like soft drinks since I was not brough up on the stuff but coffee is my main beverage. Filtered water now gives me stomack problems if I drink too much of it (and I have in the past), so I control it.

I once read that you should not let remote writers dictate what you should eat or drink. The only person that has the instruction book on you is.... you! Women learn early not to listen to their bodies. So you listen to all these writers and try to follow their recommendations because they are thin, beautifull people and you want to look like them. These thin vegans should know how to be thin right?... when you try being vegan yourself, YOU gain 25 pounds in 6 months... hmmm. These folks would be thin even if they ate an elephant every day but they do not mention that in their books... After 25 years of listening to everyone else's opinion on how you should eat, you now have to re-learn what your body is saying.... And that can take many many years.

So here is my recommendation... eat what your body wants, drink what your body wants and meditate!

26th April 2010, 12:11 AM
darn tootin. a person is free to choose for themself i reckon.

i was only jokin, bein the devil's advocate and all. :twisted:

one gets to the point where it is possible to separate one's self from such overindulging pleasures and the heart's intent is not to approach pleasure in any particular direction. with that said, i reckon one can choose to partake (maybe), seeing as they have no intent in their heart to do so.

however, thereafter, as if the wind switches direction with greater velocity, one find's them self where it is impossible to separate one's self from such pleasures, like pleasures just sally right up and say 'howdy you'. though the intent is yet not in the heart to do so.

the latter is where 'sharing' the experience of pleasure opens up.

it is like this quote from Avatar..."it is not possible to fill a cup that is already full".

prior to the latter and preceding scenarios though, there are two others. they two plus the third one preceding the last, are the three that wean.

the lowest, or the first, is where it is possible to separate one's self from pleasures, yet the person has intent in the heart to approach pleasures.

the next one, or second, is where it is impossible to separate one's self from pleasures, and the intent is yet in the heart to approach pleasures.

i mentioned the third and fourth. the first through to and including the third, are a process of weaning. beginning with the first as justification of the person through the utility of the soul from spirit.

the second is purification, wherein you'd think it could not be, seeing as this person is nothing but indulgence. however the opposite is true, the person is purging from them self all that which is not they. to say that the cup is emptying.

the third is sanctification, wherein the cup, though it is yet impure, fills with the universal mindstuff during a time of seeming coccoon stage, preparatory to complete being wherefrom doing is true choice determining in an abundance of choices.

the last is as "I remain to be in it"...even as i'd not be if the 'judging' of my self before had anything to do with it.

you might even say that the first two are neti neti, or not this not this..., and the third leading to the fourth are as That Thou Art juxtaposing it's true nature/self to truly be...free to be and therefrom do.

looking at it in so many ways from so many global directions, it is all the same telling tale of becoming one's own.

so..., depending on where ya are at in it, it is a reckoning for each in their own particulars.

maybe so... :wink:

26th April 2010, 08:13 PM
Theres a lot to process in everything you say Tim. You should take on some students; 'disciples'.

I realized caffiene puts the body into "fight or flight" mode when looking at it's effects. The jumpiness (flight) irratability (fight) mental/physical energy burst (fight+flight) all seems to be evidence of that. I did a quick google:

"Within five minutes after you drink your morning coffee, the caffeine begins to stimulate your central nervous system, triggering the release of stress hormones in your body, causing a stress ("fight or flight" ) response. The stress hormones are useful if you need to prepare yourself to fight or flee a dangerous situation, but if you are simply sitting at your desk you may feel a short charge of alertness, quickly followed by feelings of agitation. Within the next hour or so, after the stress response dissipates, you will probably feel more tired and hungry. At these low-energy times, many people reach for another cup of coffee, or eat a snack that is often high in sugar to "pep up" and stay alert. However, both caffeine and sugar only give you temporary feelings of increased energy, which quickly dissipate. For some people, this cycle of low energy followed by an infusion of caffeine or food continues the entire day -- leaving them feeling exhausted and unable to focus by 3:00 p.m. because they are drained from the ups and downs in energy their body endured throughout the day.
Active Wellness By Gayle Reichler MS RD CDN, page 12

Among other things, it stimulates the production of adrenaline, one of the hormones secreted by the adrenal glands to help us in extreme emergency situations. Our adrenals evolved to give our early ancestors the extra strength and alertness needed to escape a saber tooth tiger attack, but we don't often need that much adrenaline these days. Like sugar, coffee constantly stimulates the production of adrenaline, putting excessive wear and tear on the adrenal glands. And let's not forget that green tea and black tea contain caffeine, and even decaf still contains some caffeine. If you're sensitive to caffeine it can keep you awake at night even if you haven't had any since noon. If you're suffering from insomnia, your best bet is to drink nonstimulating herbal teas such as chamomile or mint in the evening. If you need a boost in the afternoon, try a cup of ginseng tea.
Prescription Alternatives by Earl Mindell RPh PhD and Virginia Hopkins MA, page 388

Caffeine triggers a stress response that involves a surge in adrenal hormones and the classic fight-or-flight "emergency," affecting virtually every cell in the body.
Caffeine Blues By Stephen Cherniske MS, page 98

Everybody "knows" that caffeine makes you more alert and clearheaded. Think again. A cup of coffee gives you a wakeup jolt because it triggers a stress response. Your adrenal glands are prompted to kick out the same stress hormones that are released when you perceive an external threat or danger. Your muscles tense, your blood sugar elevates for extra energy, your pulse and respiration rates speed up, and your state of alertness increases so you're ready to wrestle with or run from environmental dangers. You may be only sitting at your table or desk drinking a cup of coffee, but your body doesn't know that. It's preparing for action.
The Memory Solution by Dr Julian Whitaker, page 261"
Pretty messed up that we are intentionally 'freaking out' our bodies by puting something in it it that scares it, and for such lame reasons.

In my way of understanding by increasing the speed of your body you are increasing the speed of time within it, therefore aging it faster. Caffiene is an extreme fire energy substance. This makes it usefull in controlled doses.
For me, it often helps my meditation because I dont have much fire type energy as a personality trait.
Too much sugar seems very disruptive. I think because it is too grounding for meditation, it is a very physical energy, wich is why the body can use it so quickly.

26th April 2010, 09:18 PM
Theres a lot to process in everything you say Tim. You should take on some students; 'disciples'.


to hold me too high is too have me fall just as far.

the process in everything I say indicates that I am not at all beyond any processes. ergo, i am open to be taught, myself as the student.

i appreciate your complimenting gestures. however, "again"..., I am not all that. it is easy to write seemingly high ended replys in an online forum, however, i'd be an utterly ridiculous example for all to quickly see that I am just as clueless as are they.

i try to convey that in my foolishness, that i am not to be taken seriously to any degree. being the village idiot is enough for me, i reckon.

in this forum Robert Bruce and Co. answer questions with that authority by which this forum exists.

anything I may add to this forum is merely foolishness that i myself would delete with no regard for it having any authority whatsoever.

now, dont go off for fear of having offended me or sumptin. i realize you have a kind nature and loving heart, and that your intent is the best of you offered.

i really do need to stop writing in these forums, i expect. too much time on me ole hands, nervous energy seeking an outlet, yup, pretty much it is mental masturbation, which is why i would in turn delete the scene of the spewing expression...me thinks.

i accept that, and it is ok i reckon so.


27th April 2010, 09:14 AM
I realized caffiene puts the body into "fight or flight" mode when looking at it's effects. The jumpiness (flight) irratability (fight) mental/physical energy burst (fight+flight)
That's interesting. And yet, it also works for a lot of people to help regulate mania (as in, Bipolar Disorder).

If you're sensitive to caffeine it can keep you awake at night even if you haven't had any since noon.
Correct. But if you're not, you can drink coffee at 9pm and still have a perfectly good night's sleep. Go figure. :P

If you're suffering from insomnia, your best bet is to drink nonstimulating herbal teas such as chamomile or mint in the evening.
I do, in fact, though it doesn't really help me sleep, particularly. I just like to drink it.

If you need a boost in the afternoon, try a cup of ginseng tea.
I prefer mint. Ginseng has a kind of strong flavour for me.

Interestingly, drinking caffeine can actually help to prevent certain kinds of chronic headaches, at least in some people (cluster headaches, I believe).

This makes it usefull in controlled doses.
Yes. Moderation/control is the key with everything, including caffeine, which is, absolutely, a strong central nervous system stimulant and shouldn't be abused. I used to abuse caffeine really badly (mostly when I was manic) and now I'm hyper sensitive to it. I can drink A cup of coffee or a cup or maybe two of tea in a day, but any more than that, and I start to get anxiety. If I really have too much, I get heart palpitations. :shock:

Too much sugar seems very disruptive.
Also my experience. But then, I have pancreatic issues and my blood sugar is troublesome (at the moment, anyway), so sugar does weird things to me. I definitely try to limit it.

Please note: I wasn't arguing with anyone. I know it can come across that way in plain text, but I'm mostly just making conversation, geek-style.

Oh, and by the way, it's not really called "adrenaline" any more. They changed it in the Nineties (or late Eighties?) to "epinephrine". I have no clue why. They also changed "alkaline" to "base" for reasons unknown to me. I have no idea why biologists (and chemists) do this. :shock:

27th April 2010, 10:13 AM
I vaguely remember reading sensitivity to caffeine is a genetic propensity. I've been drinking unsweetened tea since I was 5 and I seriously feel no effect from caffeine one way or the other. My husband, however, experienced palpitations from coffee. While I drink plenty of water, when it's cold I prefer tea.

Neil Templar
27th April 2010, 10:38 AM
i think caffeine also helps reduce congestion in the sinuses, albeit, short-term...

Neil Templar
27th April 2010, 10:48 AM
[quote=Neil Templar]it's all about balance
That is also my experience.

I'm yet to walk on water or levitate. Most likely due to all that
Maybe it's just because you don't really have any particular need to levitate or walk on water. I know in my experience, unless I have some reason to do something, I generally don't.[/quote:f17zh5du]

but i REALLY wanna levitate!! :wink: :lol:

Neil Templar
27th April 2010, 11:22 AM
Neil, 'drinking only water' does not exclude the liquid from fruits, to extend the subject matter I would say "consume only natural foods/drinks" water is the only practical substance mother nature provides and imo we should trust it thus.
The billions of mammal species fare well on just water, Its unwise to challenge those odds. No softdrinks wont kill you, but its not dull living without these sugar rush beverages. Also, the idea of living as wholistic (ie drinking only H2o) as possible is to generate abundant vital energy so life can be lived to its maximum potential. Atleast thats how i see it.

there seems to be a lot of needless suspicion over the term 'spiritual adept' in my OP, sorry if didnt use terminology you are comfortable with, but Im reffering what I considered a norm of people who frequent an astral projection forum. I quit soft drinks 4 months ago and alcohol 6, I appreciate what you say about moderation, but I am always looking to improve my mind/body, and toxic foods, not matter how sparce, simply have no function in this process.

of course. i'm not arguing against that either. i try to live a healthy(er, than when i was younger :wink: ) life.
i've cut out lots of toxic stuff from my intake too.
and i'm certainly not uncomfortable with the term spiritual adept. what i'm uncomfortable with is the pattern i'm seeing in these posts saying the spiritual adept denies himself 'this or that', and follows 'this/that' rule...
yes indeed, the "pure" lifestyle you're advocating surely would be beneficial to most every human body on the planet. but, as far as i can tell, there are many lessons in life, that lead to deeper spiritual understanding and growth, that are/could be, directly related to experiences only available outwith the pure existence you're suggesting.(depending on the individual)

i've only got my own experience to go on, but i can tell you, i certainly haven't lived like a monk (well, not for more than ten days at a time, anyway. :wink: ). i have lived a life of excess, over indulgence, you might even call it hedonism at some points in the past... :twisted: yet, i've still ended up finding myself on the path of spiritual awareness.

like i said in my earlier post, i didn't mean to sound argumentative. i was simply trying to express my opinion, and that is, i believe that mankind's biggest problem, is the inability to understand that what's good for one, isn't necessarily good for the other. one man trying to make another man live according to his beliefs, isn't the way forward. look at the history of the world so far... :?
we're all here, individual co-creators, of our OWN lives. only our own HS really knows the truly perfect path for each of us.
by all means, live whatever life you see fit to live, but you gotta allow people to live their experience however they see fit to live it.
plus, i know too many spiritual adepts, who enjoy coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes, all in moderation (mostly :wink: )...

27th April 2010, 01:24 PM
I vaguely remember reading sensitivity to caffeine is a genetic propensity.
My in-laws (husband's parents) can BOTH drink coffee at 9pm and then go to bed an hour later and sleep perfectly well. It utterly boggles me. I can't have a cup of tea after 5pm if I intend to go to sleep before midnight! :)

Then again, I think I used to be more caffeine-tolerant before I went all manic and abused it (which I didn't even realise I was doing; only recognised it in retrospect). I am very sensitive to it now, though. Possibly it's because I'm not manic.... Hmmmm..... :|

My husband, however, experienced palpitations from coffee.
That's really scary. Heart palpitations are frightening as hell. I definitely recommend avoiding anything that causes them. *shudder*

While I drink plenty of water, when it's cold I prefer tea.
I like a nice hot cuppa on a cold day, too, but I often drink decaffeinated tea (so I can have more than one cup if I want). I still prefer water in most situations, though. It's always my default drink of choice.

Which doesn't preclude a shot of coffee or a glass of wine or cider now and then. I do have to be careful with alcohol, and I am, but I can't see any reason to avoid it entirely. Even St. Paul (allegedly; the letter to Timothy is of questionable authorship, but I digress) recommended taking some wine for the sake of your health (1 Timothy 5:23; in fact, he specifically said to stop drinking only water, interestingly enough).


27th April 2010, 10:40 PM
Those quotes from me in Caterpillarwomans post were mostly from various books, not me.

I used to get heart palpatations when I drank quarts of coffee a day :P I was also of course very tolerant to it.
Also, physically, caffiene will act as a depressant instead of stimulant if used on someone who is already hyperactive. Just like how ritalin is a strong stimulant yet they give it to hyperactive people. Putting out a fire with a stick of tnt.
It didnt say but coffee is a diaretic, it dehydrates you and removes vitamins and minerals from your body (common knowledge?).
I find it strange that different caffinated substances have somewhat different effects. Its like there are different strains of caffiene. (Yerba mate and green tea feels better to me than coffee)

but i REALLY wanna levitate!! :wink: :lol:
I wanna walk on water like my hero :wink:

My opinion in an unusual but accurate explanation- The whole purity thing is about removing peices of earth from your body and sight so you can see feel and think better beyond earth substances.

Im not sure 'impurity' effects 'superpowers' though it probably effects how well you can feel the movement of those powers.

Alcohol can be used as a way to bring energies cultivated in a high place down to earth to bennifit people here (though dont overdo!). I dont drink but sometimes I must have alcohol to keep me from going bonkers cause I have no grounding or I am too stimulated, at those times I really appreciate it. Those are probably the reasons monks have traditionally made beer and wine.

27th April 2010, 11:26 PM
Theres a lot to process in everything you say Tim. You should take on some students; 'disciples'.


to hold me too high is too have me fall just as far.
Well put.
Some were meant to teach and others to keep silent. I didnt realise that teachers are considered 'high' by most. I did not mean it that way, or that you have greater knowledge than anyone else, or are more advanced. Only that you have an irresistable urge and I think you should use it rather than fight it and share your wisdom with people in person rather than try to convey it here.

28th April 2010, 12:09 AM
Those quotes from me in Caterpillarwomans post were mostly from various books, not me.
I know, but the board doesn't have an allowance for that (not directly, anyway), so I just quoted you. :)

Also, physically, caffiene will act as a depressant instead of stimulant if used on someone who is already hyperactive. Just like how ritalin is a strong stimulant yet they give it to hyperactive people. Putting out a fire with a stick of tnt.
Right. That must be why it works for (some) Bipolar people to manage their mania. (There are far better ways to do that, by the way, than abusing caffeine. Just thought I'd mention that. ;))

It didnt say but coffee is a diaretic
Caffeine is a diuretic, so anything which has it will act as one, though, as you say (but I didn't quote), different substances act differently, and, I suspect, differently for different people. Tea goes right through me, so to speak, but coffee isn't so bad. Coca-Cola (which I drink only rarely now, though I used to drink a LOT of it) tends to cause me to have those "Oh, gotta go NOW!" type experiences, where you're fine one minute and the next minute you feel like you're going to wet your pants.

The whole purity thing is about removing peices of earth from your body and sight so you can see feel and think better beyond earth substances.
Interesting. But your body is made of earth. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, and trace minerals in similar proportions to the earth's crust. Get the earth out of your body and it dies. It is interwoven into material reality.

I know, that's probably not quite how you meant it, but it's something to think about, anyway.

28th April 2010, 08:15 AM
I saw this today and got a good giggle from it. It reminded me of this thread, too:


28th April 2010, 02:08 PM

28th April 2010, 02:56 PM
There's no excuse for consuming absolute poisons such as coffee in my opinion.
Addiction and attachment are the root-causes and people should atleast be honest to themselves and admit the problem.

Since drinking water is wasted with depleted uranium and other metals I drink water only from reverse osmosis and I soften it with a tiny bit of brine from the ancient salts under the himalayan mountains of Pakistan that have actually been found healthy.

kind regards,


Palehorse Redivivus
28th April 2010, 04:58 PM
There's no excuse for consuming absolute poisons such as coffee in my opinion.
Addiction and attachment are the root-causes and people should atleast be honest to themselves and admit the problem.

Agreed; anybody who makes "excuses" for drinking coffee probably has a few validation issues to look at.

"Enjoyment and lack of compelling deterrent" may well be a few more reasons. ;) Addiction need not be a factor, and not all of us Tr00 Spiritual Mastahsâ„¢ are anti-attachment.

No problem here... *sip* 8)

28th April 2010, 05:19 PM
not all of us Tr00 Spiritual Mastahsâ„¢ are anti-attachment.
Indeed, you can enjoy doing something, experiencing something, etc., without being particularly attached to it.

I might get hold of some of that Himalayan salt, though. Would be nice around the rim of my margarita glass. :twisted: :lol: 8)