
Entries with no category

  1. Back to Pranayama

    Well, I haven't had a blog post in quite awhile. Since I have been getting back to the practice of pranayama, I might as well post my results from the past week that I have restarted on.

    I remember doing a 5:20:10 (breathe in:hold:breathe ...
  2. Dealing with Challenges I set before I came here and Past life Karma

    I have yet to find out my past life. I am very eager though to find out who I was before this life. I seemed to put many challenges in front of myself. Challenges that make me seem to lose focus when meditating, causing emotional distress and a ton of ...
  3. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

    Hello everyone. I decided to start today's blog with me starting up the yoga sutras of patanjali. At the same time through IIH, this will be with my meditation throughout the night. I want to follow the eight fold path as well as finish all three bardon ...
  4. My Awakening

    It is amazing what some people go through to finally realize they are in a dream world where anything is possible. It took me 15 years to realize that same thing. I also know it had popped into my head many times, yet only now I take hold of it. I mostly ...
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