CFTraveler's Blog

  1. Traduccion del Tratado de Proyeccion Astral Parte 1 seccion B

    Poder Creativo de Visualización
    La mente subconsciente tiene mucho más poder de visualización que la mente consciente. Es como comparar una súper-computadora con la calculadora de un niño. En la dimensión astral, sea un viaje astral o un ...

    Updated 3rd June 2014 at 09:15 PM by CFTraveler

  2. Mysticism, Physicality, Projection, etc. II

    I was reading something that I had read before and for some reason it hadn't gone 'ding' in my mind- and yet, it came to me as I was digesting some theoretical information, so I'll try to put my ideas down as they occurred to me.

    According ...
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