
Entries with no category

  1. January 2021, por Coralie

    Lo que he aprendido en estos dÃ♥as
    La separación forzada de la otra vÃ♥a de comunicación me ha cambiado- casi instantáneamente- y me ha hecho reflexionar sobre mi vida dentro del contexto espiritual.
    Para aclarar, he vivido una gran cantidad ...
    Tags: desvelo
  2. January 2021

    It's been forever since I've written on my blog. As it happens for most people, 2020 was horrendous, and I have hopes that the bad stuff is over and what is happening now is mopping up of bad energy and removing it. Interestingly, in Chinese astrology, ...
  3. Busy

    I have been making myself be busy, and keep coming up with ways to be distracted from the loneliness I feel.
    I have written a book (a small book in spanish, if anyone is interested message me for a link to it). have joined a few art organizations ...
  4. Lately

    Lately I have felt a change in something, but I haven't been able to put my finger on what's happening. I don't know if it's me, I don't know if it's something in the air.
    It's not something in particular, it's just a feeling. Maybe it's October, ...
    Tags: feeling, october
  5. eBook creation with Magic Light Press

    eBook creation with Magic Light Press

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    1 Comment
    by Robert Bruce
    , 12th April 2015 at 04:43 AM (8 Views)
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