No matter how you look at it, the act of healing profoundly taps the spiritual roots of your heart. The heart center (heart chakra) is the well-known key to all subtle energy healing methods. The reasoning behind this is deeply spiritual and mystical, but using the heart center is surprisingly easy if you go about it in the right way.
The Mystic Heart healing method employs simple NEW Energy Ways based techniques. These make it possible to stimulate your heart center directly, causing it to produce a reliable flow of healing energy. This healing method has a number of positive aspects that many popular healing techniques lack. Firstly, this method does not depend upon natural healing ability, so it can be learned by just about anyone. All that is required is the compassion and desire to heal and a low level of energy body sensitivity. Visualization ability is also not required. This method employs simpler but more effective body awareness actions, which anyone can do after a few minutes instruction.
Regular use of the Mystic Heart method progressively increases healing ability and is therefore excellent for overall psychic and spiritual development. This method can also be adapted to empower any other healing technique you might currently employ, including group and distance healing.
The Mystic Heart method involves two basic levels of energy, secondary and primary, so it is suitable for both novice and advanced healers alike. At the lower end of the spectrum it utilizes a body awareness pumping action to generate a steady flow of healing energy through the secondary energy body circuit. Anyone can perform this level of healing, even a total novice. And as said, this is a truly excellent way to learn and develop higher ...
Re: IA´s dream diary....
In last night dream I was a spectator...I see 2 horses and a rider on one of the horses...the horse who had the rider did kick the other horse and they
IA56 9th January 2025, 07:58 AM