The same basic technique, used to see the aura of colour, is used to see all other types of aura, including the human aura. This same technique is also a part of full clairvoyance. This is why looking at the auras of colours is such good training for seeing the human aura. The aura of colour is far denser and easier to see than the human aura. This allows the auric viewing technique to be learned much easier and faster, than does practising on the more difficult human aura.
To see the aura, you have to be able to relax and concentrate, at the same time, and there is a trick to focusing your eyes in a special way.
An aura must be gazed upon - not looked at!
First, you need plenty of good, soft light to train in, not dim, but good soft light. It is very important not to have any strong light shining or reflecting into your eyes. It is best to have light coming from behind and above you. If you have, say a window, flooding light into the room, in your field of view, while trying to see an aura, it will distract you and make an aura much more difficult to see. A hundred watt bulb, coming from above and behind you, is fine.
Step 1
Get a book and cover it in bright, primary blue or red paper. Stand it upright, on a table, six or seven feet from you (about 2 metres). Experiment with the distance until you find what is just right for you, but the minimum distance should be no less than 4 feet (1.2 meters). Make sure you have a plain, fairly neutral background. Do not view it against a brightly coloured wall, or garish wallpaper. If the wall colour is wrong, hang a sheet of neutral coloured paper or cloth on the wall, as a backdrop. A bed sheet, or some sheets of butchers paper, taped to the wall, will do fine.
- The book is only a prop for the coloured paper, i.e., it is the aura of the coloured paper you are going to look at - not the aura of the book. Using a brick, covered in coloured paper, would give the same result as would hanging a piece of coloured paper on the wall.
- The auras of the colours blue and red are, by far, the brightest and easiest to see.
- The brightness
Re: IA´s dream diary....
In last night dream I was a spectator...I see 2 horses and a rider on one of the horses...the horse who had the rider did kick the other horse and they
IA56 9th January 2025, 07:58 AM