The exact shade and tone of a colour's aura varies a great deal, according to the shade and tone of the colour you are ...
It is commonly thought that after-images are generated by colour depletion, of the rods and cones in the eyes, caused by staring at one colour for too long. ...
In last night dream I was walking by a canal...I see a women swimming in the canal...I see deep down 2 big white snakes...I shout to the aware
IA56 14th January 2025, 09:37 AMOld Hat
It pays not to be candid with the:
- we are straight, or the
- we are doombringers, or the
- forgive me
Re: IA´s dream diary....
Last night dream was different...all was pitch black but I could see flying creatures like uplit with light??..Looked like big flying dragons??
IA56 Yesterday, 07:31 AM