An aura must be gazed upon - not looked at!
First, you need plenty of good, soft light to train in, not dim, but good soft light. It is very important not to have any strong light shining or reflecting into your eyes. It is best to have light coming from behind and above you. If you have, say a window, flooding light into the room, in your field of view, while trying to see an aura, it will distract you and make an aura much more difficult to see. A hundred watt bulb, coming from above and behind you, is fine.
Using this training method stimulates the brow centre, which is responsible for all types of non-physical sight. With use, it will grow in strength and seeing auras will become progressively easier to do. It may take weeks, before you get your first, proper glimpse of the human aura, if you have poor natural ability for this ...
I have taught many people to see the aura using this, above, method. The fast results, in the early stages, help to build confidence and ...
Old Hat
It pays not to be candid with the:
- we are straight, or the
- we are doombringers, or the
- forgive me
In last night dream I was a spectator...I see 2 horses and a rider on one of the horses...the horse who had the rider did kick the other horse and they
IA56 9th January 2025, 07:58 AM
Re: IA´s dream diary....
In last night dream I was walking by a canal...I see a women swimming in the canal...I see deep down 2 big white snakes...I shout to the aware
IA56 14th January 2025, 09:37 AM