Hall of Learning www.glidewing.com is a partner of Astral Dynamics and Robert Bruce. Glidewing handles all products and services pages and sales for Astral Dynamics.
Wikipedia - References to Astral Dynamics and Robert Bruce
TV Shows with paranormal content
30 Odd Minutes is a very fun and quirky little TV show. 30 odd minute episodes explore a wide variety of interests, including OBE, animal communication,ghost hunting, and anything paranormal.
Radio Shows with spiritual/paranormal content
Coast to Coast AM: Spiritual and paranormal radio show, with Georgy Noory and Art Bell
Dreamland Radio: Spiritual and paranormal, UFOs, ETs.
Evolution Revolution: Spiritual and paranormal with Dulcinea
BBS Radio: Popular Internet radio show on spiritual and paranormal
Blog Talk Radio: Internet radio show with Reggie Johnson
Underworld Radio: With Lia Rames
Uncovering The Divine Within Discover your true path
Meditation and Yoga
Observer Mind Meditation A great site on yoga and spiritual thinking
Spiritually uplifting wonderful spiritual thinking and living essays and stories!
OOBE / Metaphysics
Donald Tyson's Supernatural World useful repository of occult information
Ghostly Talk ghost hunting and parapsychology
Carlos Castenada Metaphysical author's work
AstralResearch Astral research site
Institute of Projectiology & Conscientiology Consciousness, OBE & bioenergy (Portuguese and Spanish)
Astralsight an excellent French OBE website
Astralinfo French William Buhlman OBE website
Mythology / Ritual
The Temple of Manannan focusing on the Manx/Celtic god, Manannan, and ritual practices relating to that era.
Spiritual / Paranormal
Aeclectic Tarot good site for investigating tarot cards and decks
Soul Survivor video interviews on the spirit return of a WW11 fighter pilot.
What Is Enlightenment? a nice spiritual magazine online and hard copy
John of God Brazillian healing center highly-regarded for physical and spiritual healing
Marla Frees Gifted psychic in LA - RB recommended!
Pranic Healing Dealing with all aspects of pranic healing
Inspired of Spirit Spiritual community and website in UK
Reality Shifters Changing reality with thought and belief
Kundalini Gateway Online Kundalini support community
Viking Remote Viewing psychic self-defense, social psychotherapy, UFO's, crop circles
Paranormal Phenomena Stories of demonic encounters
Crystal Skull Explorers A great mystery explored
Astral Test Astral Projection & Clairvoyance tests
Books / Resources
Hampton Roads Publishing Co. Online bookstore
Llewellyn Worldwide Publishing Co. Online bookstore
Spiritual Resources Online books & resources
NewAge Online Australian NewAge website
Barefoot Connections EMF and Earthing products and information
Educational / Scientific
My Big TOE Author Tom Campbell's website
Sidereal Time Astronomical time converter
Interdimensional Photography Spirits & energy revealed
BrainWave Generator For relaxation and energy work
Psychic Kids Website Learning about psychic abilities
Viewzone Forbidden history revealed
ASTRONOMICALLY Correct Orbital Calendar - Gaia-Luna Time-Space Map
NASA - Exploring Mars Latest on Mars exploration
NASA: Space Station Latest on NASA space station