• Simply NEW - Lesson Eight

    This technique is very versatile and can be done anywhere and anytime, to take advantage of high-energy areas and situations. But this should not be used to replace the full body circuit. Direct energy raising, while effective as an energy raising method, does not cover the entire energy body. This is simply a useful alternative energy raising method.


    Pre-stimulate and bounce feet and legs, as necessary. Centre awareness in Sub-Navel centre. While holding this, reach out with more of your awareness and become aware of the whole of both legs and feet. Feel your legs as being attached to your Sub-Navel centre, imagining they are part of a large upside-down V, with the Sub-Navel at its tip. Feel a vacuum-like emptiness in your Sub-Navel centre, or a magnet that draws energy (whatever works best for you). Feel energy flowing and being drawn up through the whole of both legs simultaneously. Do not brush or sponge your awareness up your legs, just feel the energy flowing up through them like water under pressure, in a continual stream. Feel the energy/water flowing deep into your Sub-Navel and being stored therein.


    Pre-stimulate and bounce hands and arms, as necessary. Centre awareness in Sub-Navel. While holding this, reach out with more of your awareness and feel of the whole of both arms and their hands. If your arms are resting at your sides, feel them as being attached to your Sub-Navel, like they are part of a large M. If arms are resting in a raised or other position, imagine another figure; say a V or a T. Feel a vacuum-like emptiness in your Sub-Navel, or an energy drawing magnet (whichever works best for you). Feel energy flowing and being drawn into and through the whole of both arms simultaneously. Do not brush or sponge up your arms, just feel the energy flowing up them. Feel this energy flowing up both arms to the shoulders, and then feel each of these energy streams flowing down over the front of your chest, before flowing down into the Sub-Navel. Feel the energy flowing into Sub-Navel and being stored therein.

    Arms & Legs Together

    Pre-stimulate limbs, as necessary. As above, centre awareness strongly in Sub-Navel centre. While holding this, reach out with more of your awareness and feel the whole of both arms and both legs simultaneously. Create a feeling of emptiness in your Sub-Navel, a feeling of vacuum and suction/magnetism, drawing energy in through both arms and both legs, all at the same time. Feel the energy flowing into your Sub-Navel and being stored therein.

    All the above actions create a strong energy demand in the Sub-Navel. Energy will be drawn into the body through the hands and feet in response to this energy demand. Again, this should not be used to replace the full body circuit, but can be very useful under certain circumstances.

    A simple litany can be used each time you do the above, to help program your energy body to respond to this Sub-Navel vacuum-type energy raising action. For example, "I…am…Energy…" can be repeated slowly and with deep feeling several times, silently, as you centre awareness deep within your Sub-Navel and reach out through all your limbs, feeling your Sub-Navel sucking energy into itself from all directions at once.

  • Introducing Robert Bruce

    Robert Bruce is an internationally respected author, mystic, and speaker.For over 30 years, Robert has explored the mechanics, energetics and dynamics of paranormal and spiritual phenomena (how things work); especially Out-of-Body Experience, the human energy body, healing and self-healing, spiritual development, psychic self-defence and higher-self communications.
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