• Ode to an Editor

    Take out thy dreadful blue pencil and strike!
    Let loose its savage cutting edge
    And we'll not shed a single tear
    For that battered pile of pulp
    Once laughingly called a manuscript.

    For words must live by worth alone
    Or face such shameful crumpling oblivion,
    To be ripped mercilessly from the whole;
    Oft' revealing hidden glory,
    That the whole might please its critics
    For smiling reviews and soaring sales.

    And what of our readers -- what of them?
    They who readeth only finished copy
    Knoweth not they sad trails of crumpled paper;
    Nor the blood and sweat speckling once-virgin lines,
    Punctuating some writer's happy little muse.

    Knoweth not they of all the haunted sleepless nights
    As imperfect pages fan endlessly through our troubled minds;
    Nor the mind-numbing agony of the 13th pass through a tattered hell:
    Of wordage, grammar, deadlines and shattered weekends,
    Of picknics and parties missed -- and of teary-eyed children;
    As we strive to feed the heart and minds of humankind...

    Copyright © 1999

  • Introducing Robert Bruce

    Robert Bruce is an internationally respected author, mystic, and speaker.For over 30 years, Robert has explored the mechanics, energetics and dynamics of paranormal and spiritual phenomena (how things work); especially Out-of-Body Experience, the human energy body, healing and self-healing, spiritual development, psychic self-defence and higher-self communications.
  • Recent Forum Posts


    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In Last night dream I was on a railway station...I was some kind of assistant to the train cleark...I helped groups of people in right trains...suddenly

    IA56 21st July 2024, 06:10 AM Go to last post
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