• The God Field

    With my life's work I have endeavoured to prune away the esoteric mumbo jumbo and religious baggage. I have focused on understanding the energy body, what it is and how it works, and to make everything work better.

    But, a funny thing happened on my way to the Now...

    All this pruning away and exploration of the mechanics of the basics of life, metaphysics and the greater reality has led me steadily closer to the divine. I was not watching were I was going and did not intend this to happen. I just did the work because it is in me to do this. I think if I knew where I was going I would have balked and gone astray long ago.

    Along the way, I started to realize who I am, and in so doing I started to realize who we all are. We are not what we think, none of us. From the highest to the lowest, we are much, much more than we imagine. But the vast majority of us have absolutely no idea of who we are and why we are here. This is in part because its way too simple. People like grand and complex. We hide in the complexity of things. But the truth is ultra simple.

    "You are god" God is inside you, above you, below you, behind and before you and beside you and all around you all the time.

    At every workshop I ask two profound questions. 1. "Point to where God is?" and "Point to where God is not?" It is of course impossible to point to either. This exercise proves beyond doubt that God is everywhere. It also proves that God is just as much inside of you as anywhere else. This is pure logic.

    Further to this. . .* imagine the universe is a gigantic diamond with countless points and facets. You are one point on this diamond. This diamond can also be called God, because God is everything and indeed creates everything, so God and the universe are indivisable. And in the same way, you and the universe and God are also indivisible. We are all a part of the whole, of the all, of the great I am.

    What we call God is like a frequency of consciousness.... call it "The God Field" if you like. This field permeates everything and is everything. One just has to tune into it and there it is. Its been there all the time, we just did not suspect.

    If you realize this and then you look around at everything and everyone else, you cannot help but see that they are also of God. Every person, animal, plant and rock is also a part of God.

    And this realization changes everything.

    Remember these words next time you pray. If you do nothing else, pray every day. God is not way up there on a cloud somewhere. God is right there inside of you, because God is you.

    This is not a simple realization, but it is doable.

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