• Karma, Possession, and Past Life Problems

    (Question from a Reader)

    When I had a shamanic soul retrieval by a shaman, she told me the 1st time that I had a spell on me, the 2nd that I had a former life hanging at the same place, and the 3rd time that I had an entity attached in the same place, and that I needed a full work with 2 mediums and herself to be performed to free me. (its free but time and energy consuming for them).

    One of the mediums I asked in a workshop to journey to that entity.* He told me she was my mom in another life and had killed me then.* At first, I could not relate to that, but then I got a strong headache which made me review my opinion. Nothing actually from what he had told me contradicted what I had got with my own journeys.* I went to the entity and told her what the medium had told me.* She said it was true and explained the whole thing.* I asked her to leave me many times in many ways and had to force her out at the end. I also allegedly killed another sorcerer I saw there and relived several lives with him (he would be the one who had sent the spell).* However, after all this, I don't feel at all different and my shaman is adamant I still need de-possession work.

    I was just wondering if you would give me your opinion, since I'm getting a little confused and, after all, I'm not doing that bad in any circumstance of my life to explain such an amazing amount of crap in me!


    If you were truly experiencing the negative repercussions of a past life(s), this would be quite apparent to you. You would experience bad luck, health problems, general strife, and even spiritual problems like psychic or negative entity attacks, which have no reasonable explanation and/or do not respond to normal treatments.

    The only reason for interfering in a person's spiritual life, especially involving some form of exorcism or past life spiritual healing treatment, should be to alleviate the effects of negative energies and/or karmic problems you might have accumulated that are causing you real life problems in the here and now.

    Trying to repair a thing that is not damaged can cause it to malfunction. This especially applies to spiritual psychology.* The 'suggestion' that your spiritual life is a mess, reinforced by all the attention you are getting from these spiritual practitioners, could generate a self-fulfilling prophecy. This could invite real spiritual problems into your life, or cause your subconscious mind to create these.

    The old saying "if its not broken don't fix it" applies here. If everything is going okay for you, think positive, be thankful, and enjoy your life.

    And on that note, the best way to overcome bad karma is to get busy living an active spiritual life doing good.* Help your fellow beings, human and animal, as much as you can and try to do as many good deeds as you can. For example, help lots of old ladies cross streets, dragging them across even if they don't want to cross

  • Introducing Robert Bruce

    Robert Bruce is an internationally respected author, mystic, and speaker.For over 30 years, Robert has explored the mechanics, energetics and dynamics of paranormal and spiritual phenomena (how things work); especially Out-of-Body Experience, the human energy body, healing and self-healing, spiritual development, psychic self-defence and higher-self communications.
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