• Fixing Spirit Manifestations and Atmospheres

    (Question from a Reader)

    Within 9 months my 27-year old son was killed in a car accident, my mother-in-law who I cared for died of Alzheimer's, and then my father-in-law died on my kitchen floor of heart failure. Since then, there has been heaviness in the energy of my home.

    I have dowsed to see if their spirits were involved, and received the answer that while my mother-in-law has moved into the light, my son and father-in-law have not. I believe this to be true due to the unexplained aromas that can come into rooms, lights that come on when no one is in rooms, etc.* I have considered having a nun do a house blessing to try to send these spirits on to the next level.* Or do you think a house clearing via smudging would be a better alternative?


    First, my sincere condolences for your losses. Letting go of those we love is not an easy thing to do, especially our children.

    It is unusual for spirits to remain near the earth plane for any longer than a month, but it can happen.* Most spirits move on within thirty days. Spirit caused smells and scents, e.g., the smell of tobacco, perfume, body odor, anything that is peculiar to a particular spirit, are the most common ways spirits communicate their presence. The ability to detect these is fairly strong in most people, unlike more sophisticated psychic abilities.

    If you suspect the presence of the spirits of loved ones that may be clinging to you and or their earthly existence, one easy way to contact them is to write them letters.* Write these in large, bold letters, explaining their situation and giving them advice on how to move on.* First, tell them that they are now spirits.* Many do not realize they have died.* They can be in denial or just confused.* It is important to tell them to not try to hug or get too close to living humans. This can cause them to absorb life energy by osmosis, which will prolong their earthbound state.* Also tell them to look for and move towards a bright light. They may not see this immediately, but it will appear if they look for this. Tell them to ask for help and help will be given to them.* Also tell them that they must let go of their earthly life, all of their earthly needs and desires and ties, and to move on.* Also tell them to forgive everyone and everything that has ever hurt them. Most especially, they must forgive themselves for any hurt they may have caused others.* This last is very important as letting go of guilt and blame will help enormously.

    If you are sure of the identity of the spirit in question, affix a small photograph of them above the letter to draw his/her attention.* If you are not sure of the spirit's identity, also use a picture of yourself to attract attention.* Tape these letters to the walls of any rooms where you sense a spirit presence or atmosphere.* Leave these letters up for several weeks or more.

    If the above fails, I suggest fumigation.* This will not harm earthbound spirits, but it will remove any negative energy from them that may be holding them in the earthbound state.* So this will help them to move on to the afterlife proper.

    Spring-cleaning your home is a good first step when handling any spirit or haunting problem.* This should precede fumigation.* Finish cleaning walls and floors with a tea made from fresh rosemary as a final rinse.* Say a prayer over the herbs first, asking that they wash away negative energies and attract good energy to your home.

    Sulfur is the best fumigant, but this creates poisonous fumes so one needs to be careful.* One can also fumigate with a combination of fresh chopped hot chili peppers and black mustard seeds. Dried chili or powder is not as effective. Directions for fumigating safely are given in my book, Practical Psychic Self-Defense.* (Coils of sulfur can be purchased for this purpose. These are used in the wine industry for cleansing wine barrels of mould).* These methods will destroy any negative energy that might be in your home. Fumigation is far superior to smudging.* Repeat fumigation as necessary.

    After fumigation, fresh cut flowers and use essential oils and incense to make your home smell beautiful. This will help attract good spiritual energy into your home, and you will keep these there if you continue to make your home smell nice.* The presence of good spiritual energies tends to repel negative spirits.* But you have to get rid of the bad ones first or the good ones will not stay for the same reason, in that a buildup of negative energy drives away good spirits.* After doing this, have the nun you mentioned do a home blessing for you.

    You might like to redecorate, removing clutter and brightening up your home. Try to let in as much light and fresh air as possible.* Play happy, light music as much as possible, eg, classical music, Xmas carols, spiritual songs and music, etc.* These simple procedures will fix 99% of home atmosphere problems.

    Quick Fixes:* To quickly remove negative energies from a room, light a box of matches, several matches at a time. This releases a safe level of sulphur into the atmosphere. It can also be used to quickly remove negative energies that visitors to your home might leave behind, which is a common problem.* Another way is to mix scented essential oil in water, say sandalwood or lavender, and use a pump pack to spray a scented mist throughout your home.

  • Introducing Robert Bruce

    Robert Bruce is an internationally respected author, mystic, and speaker.For over 30 years, Robert has explored the mechanics, energetics and dynamics of paranormal and spiritual phenomena (how things work); especially Out-of-Body Experience, the human energy body, healing and self-healing, spiritual development, psychic self-defence and higher-self communications.
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