• Why Do Negs Attack Humans?

    (Question from a Reader)

    What motivates strong negs/demons to attack humans in such vicious ways? Do they derive pleasure and/or energetic benefit? Do they even have corresponding desires/needs that we think of conventionally, ie, do they have a psychology?


    This is a difficult question.* Mortal understanding of the nature and psychology of Negs contains huge gaps.* Most of what is known today comes from the observation of Neg activities during attacks and possessions. Communication with higher Neg types is possible, but Negs are not exactly straightforward.* Reliable information concerning their motivations and the nature of their reality is thus very difficult to obtain.* One thing we do know is that higher Negs and demons seem to only attack and possess for specific reasons, and often for set periods of time.* But these reasons are difficult to fathom.

    Keep in mind that the nature of higher Negs, especially demons, is that they 'possess' and through this they inflict disease, spiritual pollution and torment. Such attacks seem either designed to cause torment, or to break down natural defenses so that stronger levels of possession can occur. The infliction of disease and physical disorders seems to occur only after some level of attachment or possession has occurred.* Certain types of diseases and physical disorders are probably a direct result of this, and it could be said that higher Negs are carriers of disease.* I think when the infliction of disease is the sole motivation for possession, a Neg will usually only leaves a copy of itself, or a small piece of itself (an implant or larvae) inside the victim, and then withdraw.

    The above may be one of the reasons why healing will sometimes bring about a miraculous cure.* The application of strong positive energy from a healer can often remove or neutralize the Neg related core (remove the implant or larvae) that is causing a disease or disorder. This may also explain why some healings fail, because if the Neg cause of a disease is not removed then the disease will not respond to healing.

    Please do not misunderstand me here.* I am not saying that higher Negs carry physical germs and bacteria.* But their presence seems to generate physical conditions in victims that allow or attract certain types of diseases and physical disorders.* We live in a sea of germs and bacteria, against which most people have strong natural defenses.* So it could be said that the presence of higher Negs within persons can interfere with these natural defenses, thus allowing diseases and physical disorders to manifest.

    Negs seem to be an unseen aspect of the natural selection process, and to also be involved in the process of spiritual evolution. They may be drawn to attack certain people for karmic reasons.* Negs seem to apply negative karma, including the application of torment, disease and physical disorders, mental and personality disorders, addictions, and even social and relationship problems.* In a nutshell, Negs apply widespread suffering to all of humanity.* This suffering can be said to balance karma and provides life path resistance and difficulty.* Without life path resistance spiritual development would be easy, but it would be very difficult to surpass one's limits and evolve to higher levels of spirituality than have previously been achieved.* Strong resistance and adversity drives people to extremes.* While overcoming adversity, people will often accomplish the impossible, physically, morally or spiritually, and thereby evolve.

    Curses are often involved when persons are demonized.* But even curses are accounted for in the processes of karmic law.

    As said, Neg activities seem to be a part of the natural selection process:* weeding out the weak and infirm, while driving other's to excel beyond previous limitations. We may not like it, but Neg activities may play an important part in both the physical and spiritual evolutionary process of humankind.

    As I am fond of saying, if God wanted to wet-nurse humanity in total spiritual security and bliss, He would not have placed us down here in the physical dimension in the first place. Instead, we would all be living in a heavenly place where everyone is happy and fulfilled, where no one ever gets sick or dies. Logically, there must be a very good reason for us mortals to be here in the physical dimension.

  • Introducing Robert Bruce

    Robert Bruce is an internationally respected author, mystic, and speaker.For over 30 years, Robert has explored the mechanics, energetics and dynamics of paranormal and spiritual phenomena (how things work); especially Out-of-Body Experience, the human energy body, healing and self-healing, spiritual development, psychic self-defence and higher-self communications.
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