• Other countermeasures

    Neg's need dark and quiet to manifest and attack in. They also need the human body to be relaxed. This is part of the reason why neg. related manifestations normally occur or worsen during the night, and ease during the daytime.

    Turning on an overhead light helps, the brighter the better. If you cannot sleep with the light on, place a folded black cloth over your eyes.

    Turning on a TV or radio, playing softly, also helps. Classical music is best, something bright and cheerful. The best music of all to counter neg's are Xmas carols, hymns and nursery rhymes.

    If voices are heard, objective or subjective, headphones can be used, or a pillow speaker, and music played continually, even during sleep. Xmas carols, hymns and nursery rhymes are excellent for this purpose. You may not like the music in the long term, but humans have an ability neg's do not have. Humans can 'tune out' music and sounds heard continually. Neg's cannot do this. Nursery rhymes, in particular, drive them nuts; therefore making for an effective countermeasure.

    Banging pots and pans together loudly helps break up astral lights and can break an attack. This method is best used for stronger attacks.

    Sliced garlic is a great help for warding off neg's. Garlic must be sliced. It is virtually useless unless sliced. Garlic works because it contains a high level of sulphur, and sulphur is detrimental to neg. energies.

    Garlic can be rubbed into the skin and placed around the room on counters, as well as under pillows and near feet. The feet are the most vulnerable target to neg. interference. Symptoms of interference are pricks and jabs in feet and toes. Rubbing garlic into the feet greatly reduce their vulnerability. Replace the garlic slices used on a daily basis.

    Other herbs and scents that help are: Fringed Violet, Angelsword, (both can be Applied to the skin or taken internally). Rosemary also helps, and can be made into a tea. This tea is best used as an after shower body wash. Herbal soaps can also be used.

  • Introducing Robert Bruce

    Robert Bruce is an internationally respected author, mystic, and speaker.For over 30 years, Robert has explored the mechanics, energetics and dynamics of paranormal and spiritual phenomena (how things work); especially Out-of-Body Experience, the human energy body, healing and self-healing, spiritual development, psychic self-defence and higher-self communications.
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