117.* You cannot put God in a box, and you cannot learn God from a book.
116.* A balanced perspective is required if one is to preserve reasonable logic and truth.
115.* The wise saying 'Know Thyself' can also be translated as 'Know Your Enemy', because most people are their own worst enemy.
114.* When the serpent burns a path through you and changes what you are, then you will see the light my friends and you will know. . .Forever.
113.* No invention in human history lets you make errors faster than a computer... with the possible exception of a handgun and tequila. (anon)
112.* If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do well matters very much. (Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis)
111.* All that one gives one gives to oneself. If this truth is understood Who will not give to others? (Ramana Maharshi, l970).
110.* The thought that 'letting someone go' eases their passing into the spiritworld life is only partly true. While grief (which is perfectly natural) does tend to hold a new spirit close to the earth plane, it also allows time for a 'letting go' from both sides. And time is not important to a new spirit; while love is and love helps, even grieving love. God is merciful and as this is a perfectly natural thing, it is accounted for. (RB)
109.* I find it beneficial to bow my head ...
Online Workshops: Robert Bruce is currently running online workshops only, with his partners at The Hall of Learning through www.glidewing.com Please click here for more information.
Live Workshops: No live events are scheduled at the moment. Early 2010 will be the soonest for any live workshops. These will most likely be in Australia and Canada. Topics cover astral projection travel, energy work, altered states, meditation, kundalini, OBE, astral planes and akashic records, and lucid dreaming. They also cover realization of your higher self, higher self communications, the realization / enlightenment process, kundalini, spiritual growth, and spiritual / psychic development.
Sorry! It looks like our website is having a bad hair day. We run a tight ship here, so its probably just an update in progress.
Please return to Astral Dynamics a little later when it's feeling better.
Or... go to my fabulous blog - Conversations With A Mystic... ...
Robert Bruce is an internationally respected mystic author and speaker from the land down under (Australia). Robert has spent his life actively exploring metaphysical, paranormal and spiritual phenomena, making some groundbreaking discoveries.* Robert is the author of the best-selling books: Astral Dynamics, Practical Psychic Self-Defense, Energy Work,
Like so many of you, I was drawn to Robert Bruce's website by some inner part of me that needed something. Something that would fill the type of abstract curiosity that I am fond of. It is a type of curiosity ...
Conversations with a Mystic is Robert Bruce's personal blog and podcast. This is integrated with the Astral Dynamics website through RSS feeds. Below you will find links to recent articles and highlights from the blog.
The content of the blog have a greater range than this website, and include general interest posts, as well as Robert Bruce's usual topics of OBE astral projection travel, lucid dreaming, energy work, and spiritual thinking and development.
Also see the rss feed links below for Robert's latest blog articles
To visit Robert's blog click here Conversations with a Mystic blog
I was abused very seriously in 1980-81..There is a period of 6 months that I can not remember...I have bean begging for years to know what happened and
IA56 13th February 2025, 05:02 AM
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Re: IA´s dream diary....
In last night dream I was looking down to a sea with many colored fishes...I saw a huge green fish among the small colored fishes...the water was so clear
IA56 16th February 2025, 09:51 AM