• Psychic Security Part Two

    More on psychic security, and on the nature of earthbound spirit types, x human and non human ghosts

    Psychic Security Part Two.

    This is a difficult subject to discuss...so many heartfelt belief systems.

    Again, I do not ask everyone to believe me. What I do ask is that you read this so it will be in memory. Print my posts on this out and fold them up and put them somewhere. You may never need this advice, but if you do then you know where to look.

    The Question:

    “You mentioned the probability of some kind of energy field that follows the topographical contours of the earth. Would this be a factor in why some spirits can't escape or leave the surface of the earth (Earthplane) ?
    Your question is a big one..... some explanation is needed to give context

    so, again, in a nutshell....

    There are a lot of different types of spirits that can be classed as 'earthbound'. A small percentage are x human, ghosts if you like. Most are wild, morally neutral types...astral wildlife. They just are what they are. For example, a snake that eats a pretty little hamster is not evil. It is just a snake having lunch. In essence, this is not really much different than a fisherman eating his catch, unless you happen to be a fish, that is.....

    Earthbound x humans get stuck for a variety of reasons, including addictions, anger, revenge, remorse, flawed belies, love and the unwillingness to leave the known for the unknown, etc.

    The afterlife process is varied, and largely automatic. What happens depends greatly on your beliefs and disbeliefs, psychological and spiritual growth and maturity, etc. To die is to enter belief system territory, the bardo realms if you like. Most importantly, open mindedness allows the afterlife process to operate smoothly.

    Note: psychic abilities do not denote spiritual development and maturity. Any psychologist knows more about spiritual development than do most religious types. True spiritual development is all about wisdom, intuition, understanding, love, balance, integrity, compassion, patience, and all the good things of life and of being human.

    Recently deceased spirits generally spend from a few days to a few weeks in real time, like ghosts in the physical, before they fall asleep and dream (move on). When this happens, there is a separation between the base animal shell and the actual person. The shell normally falls asleep and projects the spirit (like the mental body, you could say) into spiritual realms - the astral and mental dimensions. The shell will normally just fade away over time, often sinking below ground. At most, this will be like a sleepwalking person, only partially conscious at times.

    Note, above, there is a parallel between the afterlife and normal life, of being awake, sleeping and dreaming, etc.

    However, when persons have strong addictions to the physical, addictions and etc, their base animal side sometimes actively pursues these things. This puts them into close contact with living humans and life energy appears to be absorbed by osmosis. This feeds the base astral shells of deceased persons and extends the real time part of the afterlife. In time, x humans like this can become their addictions. I think in this way new troublesome spirits can be created. Because the larger portion of consciousness departs into the higher afterlife realms, what is left is barely human. Such beings may only have a very rough memory of their previous lives as humans. Such things are generally sociopathic and obsessed and very single-minded.

    The 'shells' of x humans can be a big problem if they do not sleep and dissolve. These are like astral echos, enduring for a time after death. Sometimes these beings learn to deliberately feed off the life force of the living, and they can then develop into enduring problem types. This is why I said that cemeteries are not very safe after dark. Sunlight (white light) dissolves the ectoplasmic structures of these shells, like photographic film, so they automatically move underground during daylight. All* troublesome non human spirit types do the same. They are of course all more active at night.

    Again, most of the 'wild' non human troublesome entities appear to be morally neutral, animalistic by nature. They just are what they are.

    The higher types, what people call jinn or demons, are another matter entirely. They are not what people think they are. But these have the same limitations and weaknesses as all other earthbound types, running water, grounding, etc.* For a good take on these types, I recommend a book called 'The Magus of Strolov'.

    If you know the basic symptoms to look for, and the basic countermeasures to apply, any potential problem from any of the above types are very easily solved. However, not knowing the basics here can lead to long term problems.

    Basic symptoms to look for are... sudden feelings of anxiety and dread, of feeling 'weird', of sharp needle pains in the feet, sudden pains and cramps that come and go in any part of the body, adrenalin like tingling body rushes up the back, sudden disorientation and weakness, weird polluted thoughts and mental images, loss of control of body parts, hearing things, seeing things, feelings of being touched, etc, etc, Another common symptom is painful sciatic pain shooting up a leg. It comes on suddenly for no apparent reason. Basically, anything out of the ordinary can be a symptom of this.

    Note: I think the sharp needle jabbing pains in the feet when one enters an area of negative entities is why the traditional demon is depicted as having horns and tridents, jabbing up into feet from below ground. However, many that I have encountered do have small horns when viewed clairvoyantly, or during a manifestation.

    The proof is in the pudding here, as all symptoms will usually ease or vanish when you cross running water. If symptoms persist, it is because the invasive entity has achieved level 2, meaning it has penetrated ones natural outer energy body defenses. When this happens, longer exposure to greater volumes of running water, and EM grounding are required to dissolve it. A long shower and some heartfelt prayers to whatever you believe in will fix this, as will grounding yourself during sleep. A simple computer anti static wrist strap connected to a water pipe or grounding outlet is very effective, as is sleeping on the ground...sleeping earthed.

    An example of the above. A friend and I (a seasoned psychologist) attended a wedding recently. It was held at an old quarantine station - used as a kind of prison many years ago. We drank a fair bit of wine as the day turned to night, and were supposed to sleep there in one of the many bunks available. But then we started to feel all the unhappy spirits there and decided otherwise. It was not long before people started acting strangely, beyond what alcohol will do to some people. We left about 10pm and headed to the hotel. There it became apparent that my son had picked something up. Weird thoughts, disassociation, and then channelling type stuff. I immediately forced him into the shower, clothes and all, and held him there with fatherly force for 30 minutes. The problem was solved and he was perfectly normal when I let him out. Now, experience tells me that if I had not done this, long term problems could have resulted. So, early detection and early action = cure.