The gnarled old floor creaks ominously underfoot
As my broken spirit plummets,
Spiralling hopelessly downward
To where the shattered picture lies,
Framed amidst glittering blood-drenched shards;
Gritty, gut-crunching splinters
Stinging my cold, bare feet.
I try once again and....
I've lost my smile forever now
And know not where it went.
Stripped so unkindly away
With such dry-sobbing sadness:
Tear-drenched, bitter-sweet memories
Ring endlessly throughout this darkness
That was me.
I try once again and....
Oh once I was so young and rich and proud,
Sparkling brightly under time's slow rich burden,
Last night dream was very playful...we where playing throw balls and you have to duck and if the ball hits are out....and then we play catch...running
IA56 6th September 2024, 09:40 AMIn last night dream I was looking at my belly...I saw something moving under the skin...I started to push and out come a worm like creature?..I get out
IA56 5th September 2024, 05:08 AM
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Re: IA´s dream diary....
In last night dream I had so many animals...first a big bison ox chased me...I run into a shed..he was so angry so he went rampage on other things...then
IA56 Today, 07:06 AM