Waking up from a dream
, 10th January 2012 at 09:57 AM (7561 Views)
Sometimes in our lifes we get these 'Aha! - moments' and the realization comes to us in an instant. This can apply to greater parts of our life to, as for example when you 'wake up' to realize something greater or that a greater reality surrounds you. Does this sound familiar? Either way I will write about my experience.
I had been going to a certain school for some time, I think it was one and a half years, and the time there had been turbulent to say at least. Most of the time I had spent wondering how I should win the heart of the girl i loved so much. She had explained that she did'nt want anything more than we already had and I realized that when I finished school she would be gone as she lived in another city.
This had haunted me for almost all the time I went there and now the time was up.
I remember walking outside the building where my room was on a sunny day. I walked there in my own dreamy world trying to figure something out, something that i can't remember. Suddently my mind clicked and a myrriad of thoughts came into my mind, among the most profound was "Where have I been all these years".
This was like a wind swept over me and my mind awoke with a greater clarity which I cannot describe. Almost as if I became more intelligent in a second. It felt like I had been in a dreamworld for all my life (at the time I was 23) and that I just realized that I had been there.
When I think back on my life prior to the age of 23 I almost can't remember what I was like, what my thoughts were, what I said etc. It's really blurry, and I get a sence of total non-spiritual existence.
From that day I guess i began to 'wake up' and spirituality came into my life.
I wonder though, if the black void of depression I had been in before my 'awakening' had something important to do with it. As if I developed due to the fact that I was pondering som many thoughts and battling so many feelings each day, that one day it bear fruit so to speak.
I can truly say that I have developed enormously since that day, far beyond what I could compehend before that.
Perhaps some of you recognize this feeling or had something similar happen to you?