Approaching the Grail
, 28th February 2012 at 09:07 AM (2243 Views)
I found a parellel lately, between one of Kurt's ACs and a work of art, an opera by Wagner.
The AC in question is Hospital for Diseased Beliefs. It describes how Kurt undergoes a procedure which involves him being moved closer to Source than he is used to. The radiation of the Source "burns away" parts of his false personality - the parts of his earth-based personality that prevent him from getting closer to Source.
There's an analogy to this in Wagner's opera "Parsifal". Parsifal, a spiritual seeker, arrives in the grail realm. The realm is in decay, because Amfortas, the king of the grail realm is sick. It is his duty to show the grail to his order of grail knights, but every time he does so his wounds break open.
The wounds have a significance, they show his fall from grace when he got seduced by an evil magician's creatures. This stain upon his soul cannot stand the presence of the grail. The grail is divine grace in a form understandable by man.
It's important to see that the grail is not punishing Amfortas. The grail is a constant invitation, a pressure to change, to align oneself with the principles of the grail, to come in tune with those higher vibrations emanating from the Source into the higher planes. The wound breaks open because its lower nature cannot be in the presence of the Source.
Amfortas role is that of a teacher to his order of knights. Knights here represent a code of honor and virtue, as they do in the grail myth. It is his role to show them the way back to Source. But his fall from grace means he can't, and so the grail knights also are cut off from the higher truth he used to expose them to.
Kurt described how he felt like crawling out of his skin in this presence. The discomfort gave then space to see the false self within his own body receding and fading away. False self here is anything not aligned with the principles of the Source, reflexes, reactions and habits we collect and harbor during our early years on Earth.
To me this shows that there is a grail realm. This may be how Wagner felt about it, how he pictured it, but beyond the form is an energetic truth. That gives me a feeling of a hidden dimension of our lives, of deeper mystical experiences hiding just behind the veil of our reality, waiting for seekers to find them.