
If you want to be happy, ask for being happy

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Reality creation begins with the intention. There actually exists a lot of confusion about what reality creation is and what a good intention is. Many intentions will create realities, but quite a few seem to backfire or not yield what was intended. Let's call these for sake of argument "problematic intentions."

Many people start their reality creation processes like this: "I want to be happy. In order to be happy I need to be with Sara. Please make Sara love me." The problem with this one is not in the choice of words. It's not how you state it or how often. The problem is what is asked for, and if we go deeper, the beliefs (often implicit) behind it.

The first problem is that this intention violates the free will of another. If this person is willing to love you, no problem. But you wouldn't have asked if you had that love in the first place, right? Unless your problem is being too shy about asking Sara out, that is. Let's not go there for now.

An affirmation that violates the free will of another person is problematic - how could the Universe give you what you wish for? How can you gain what is not given?

Let's take one step deeper. What is also asked for is a specific form. What if that person had asked for a Porsche? That precludes so many other things that could happen. If you ask for a specific form, a specific scenario, one choice out of many, you already limit what can happen.

Imagine your intention to be a wave spreading out throughout reality. Asking for one specific thing is like a small wave which dies out after a few feet. Asking for a more general thing is like a big wave, spreading out, with the potential to touch many events and many people who might want to help you out, for many exchanges that could get you there.

Imagine a person that asks "I want to be happy, so I need the love of a beautiful girl." This sends a bigger wave, but it might blind you for seeing the love of a stranger, for meeting Jesus in the road. There are so many more forms of love than can be had instead of just desiring beautiful girls. Implicitly there might be also a lot of beliefs of what beautiful girls need to do to make you happy. And all that baggage diminishes the waves you are making.

But we can go deeper than that still. Now we have arrived in the realm of beliefs. "I can only be happy if I have a lover." "Having a Porsche will make me happy." "I need a better job to make me happy." We have arrived at the belief level, the mental body level of the reality creation process. You hold ideas about the truth, and those shape your reality.

Whenever you think "I would be happy if..." then you put a condition on your happiness. In fact, an intention like "I want a lover so that I can be happy." will put out two intentions - "I want a lover" and "I want to be happy". What does happen when you drop two stones in the pond? You create two waves spreading, and starting to interact with each other. Both waves will not have as much influence because part of each wave is cancelled out be the other.

Many times this happens with half- or subconscious beliefs. You're thinking you're dropping one stone in the water, but because all those unknown beliefs are attached to it you drop many. And sometimes they interfere with each other.

You can read the waves by what they bring back to you. The better a match to your intention it is, the clearer the intention was and the less sub- and halfconscious baggage was attached to it.

Sometimes intentions seem to backfire. You find a lover but it doesn't make you happy. You get what you wanted but it did not do what you expected. This also has to do with the two intentions.

What if the very idea that you need a lover to be happy, that it is the lover who must make you happy is what makes you unhappy? Even finding a lover might teach you then that there's still plenty of unhappiness. You might think your intention has backfired, but still your intention to be happy is at work. You're learning that your mental body idea about the truth is not the truth itself.

This can be the start of a wonderful journey. Yes, some people just think it's the wrong lover, the wrong circumstances, that there's something incurably wrong with themselves. But that doesn't have to be the end of it.

You can take one more step, and this will lead us even deeper: You can ask to be happy. Put no conditions on it. Isn't this what you really wanted? No ifs, no buts. No ideas about the truth. Just simplify. This IS a big wave to make.

I'm not going to lead you on - this is not necessarily an easy intention to hold, but many people hold it implicitly anyway. It might easily bring many things your way you need to confront, release and let go of. It will challenge your ideas about what creates happiness. It might end you up in a very different place. Sounds a bit like life, doesn't it?

But the result can be greater happiness.

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  1. poème's Avatar
    And here you come, with another text carrying a positive message ;)

    I agree with you that a simple intention, stripped from conditions, sends a powerful wave… And it is actually wonderful to wait for what will come our way as an answer to what was asked, and try to recognize the forms it takes… By being open, unconditionnaly, to what may come our way, we may then be awed by the generosity, the ingenuity, and the sense of humour of `that mysterious force` at work...
  2. Korpo's Avatar
    Both the good and the challenging things.
  3. thedevil's Avatar
    There was a philosopher that dreamed he was a butterfly but when he awake he was confused about whether he was a philosopher dreaming to be a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming to be a philosopher

    Reminds me of the times I was dreaming and woke up only to realize I was still dreaming

    Become lucid/enlightened/awake by realizing more truth then you will take control of this dream and achieve what you want but rest assured for the time being that the truth is in control and this is a test for you to figure out all the lies and false awakenings so you can reach a state of pure perfection and happiness (Nirvana)
  4. poème's Avatar
    Dreams are important as they prepare the dreamer to awaken, and every time, when the dreamer dreamed long enough, he or she awakens naturally. There is no hurry and no need to force awakening ahead of time. We awaken many times, from many dreams, more `enlightened` than we previously were every time. It is very likely that I am dreaming, and that you are too, yet this is nothing to be ashamed of. We all follow our own paths, we all awaken from our dreams, one at a time.

    That said, `enlightened` is a label wrongly used if it serves the purpose to level oneself above others. We are all equals. We all carry within a divine spark of equal value. We all have the potential to become more and more enlightened. It doesn’t matter who in this life appears to be `ahead` and who appears to be `behind` as we can learn from everyone. Besides, such labels we apply to others often hold a `truth` only in our filtered perception of them. Moreover, for all, the same potential remains.

    The truth is plural, so when you say that `the truth is in control`, this is only[I] your[/I] truth at the moment, according to your choices and development. The truth is in control for the ego that adopted the belief that within control lies power and strenght. Yet the ego actually needs a lot of strenght to let go of its desire to take control of everything, and to go with the flow instead, up for the challenges and surprises the course of things may bring. Its will and confidence, then, no longer serves solely itself as it also takes into account the greater good of the larger self it is a part of, and with maturity, it also comes to serve the greater good of others, and eventually of all. You may agree or disagree, but this is what I feel is true, and [I]my[/I] truth is certainly as valid as yours.

    I will not reply back here as this is not my blog, so if you wish to continue this discussion, open another thread and pm me about it.
  5. Korpo's Avatar

    These are indeed very wise words and I benefitted from reading them.
  6. poème's Avatar
    I benefitted from reading yours many times :)
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