CFTraveler's Blog
My Hermetics Diary Cont. pg 3
, 20th March 2012 at 05:27 PM (1709 Views)
The water principle.
This is an element that I have had all kinds of problems with, in many ways, and I'm going to illustrate it here.
It seems that I either have too much of it, or not enough of it- it is also en element, which in its physical form has had much meaning in my life- some "built in", or so it appears, and some as a result of experiences. Of course I know intellectually that it is all the same, but for the sake of expression I'll keep the division. It makes for easier writing, and possibly reading.
Water is the element of emotion, and in its positive aspects it should flow freely, but in my case I either am drowning in it or reject and resent it.
I have always loved water- when I was young I wished we had a pool. It was the ultimate in desire in my young heart- I dreamed of pools, and when we went to my grandmother's house she had a sunken terrace that she would flood when we were there- we would plug up the drains and she would bring out the hose and we would have the greatest of times in about two inches of water. When we visited our grandfather (who lived in a farm) he would fill up his pool for us halfway, and it was the best time. I loved the beach, but we rarely went, but the happiest times I had involved going to the beach in the summertime when we were out of school and we stayed in the house at the beach. One or two weeks of heaven.
I have always associated the ocean with unmitigated joy and pools with longing- and I now have a swimming pool probably because of all those years of wanting one.
My perfect place, if I could afford it would be a house at the beach with a pool, so I could have water all around me.
Yet in my energy work all the negative attributes involve the lack of balance between fire and water- either too much or too little and I find myself going from quick anger (fire) to cloying sorrow and melancholy (water) with too much ease.
I think this is why I've had so much come up when I attempted to work with Akasha. I also have a deal with the color associated with it that I will need to resolve before I go back to this step.
For now I'm redoing part V, until I'm satisfied that I can use my mental faculties to 'occupy' my astral faculties, which seem to be where the problems lie- and hope to balance my elements better.