heat in the coccyx
, 27th March 2012 at 10:24 PM (5272 Views)
Hello mr. Robert.
A few days ago I woke up at midnight because of the intense heat in my coccyx, it was strange sensation but it wasn't painful, just may be unusual..... it is almost two months now since I have been practicing your technique N.E.W. but I've never done any exercise before for this specific area (coccyx), additionally I am doing sitting meditation about every evening from 30 minute to one hour. During my meditation I am usually doing abdominal breathing concentrating my attention on the subnavel area. I also recently started to read your book Astral Dynamics and today during my meditation I remembered about the exercise where you recommend to transfer energy with mental hands from the base chakra into the heart chakra, so I decided to try it just for fun but at the same moment I felt a heat in my coccyx the same way as it happened a few days ago. Do you have any idea about it mr. Robert? Thank you!
P.S I followed your advice and did as you told me, now I feel my dyann tyann area quite good now. thanx again mr. Robert.