Musings of a Psychiatric Outpatient
, 13th April 2012 at 07:12 PM (5185 Views)
I sat down today in the waiting room of the mental health department building and was waiting patiently for my appointment with my psychiatric nurse.
Strangely today, the door was not locked and was wide open, with a brick against the door, holding it in position.
After checking in with the receptionist, i sat on a chair in the waiting room that was closely positioned by the open door and was enjoying the breeze, air and space that this open door was currently providing.
After only a short time, a lady from the department came into the waiting room and was asking everyone in the waiting room 'if we were cold at all' from the door being open, we all replied that we weren't.
Just then another lady came busying through, declaring loudly and authoratively 'this door should be closed anyway, it's not allowed to be open..... for security reasons !' and with that she promptly shut the door.
My instant and annoyed thoughts to this were:
'Errrh!..... HELLO! .... Take a look around you, i think you'll find all the really 'real' crazy 'nutters' are already in, sitting right here in this waiting room.... bit late for security worries me thinks !!!....
It was only after the door was shut that i then realised how at ease i had been with the door previously being open as now i was feeling quite uncomfortable, rather trapped and very closed in. The wood decor was very 'bar-like' in it's design and gave it that 'locked-in' look too.
Anyway my psychiatric nurse soon came to rescue me from the waiting room, so i didn't have too wait too long with my discomfort.
Next week i start on a Bipolar Education Programme, 2 hrs, once a week, running for 10 weeks, so i am hoping to find it interesting and enlightening and will blog and share anything i find of interest.![]()