
The Truth Trajectory

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Imagine you were to travel from Earth to Venus in a spaceship. If you had perfect equipment and perfect data all you needed to compute is one flight plan, follow it to the most minute detail and never correct or change anything. You would blast off, head to Venus and arrive in one perfect trip.

This would be the perfect trajectory, the most minimal path considering all variables, taking you the target fastest and with least effort.

Something similar exists for our journey back to Source, a Truth Trajectory, which gets us closer to Source the fastest, the easiest and with the least effort.

Unfortunately for our space traveller and our spiritual aspirant we know neither - not the perfect trajectory to Venus and not the Truth Trajectory either. They exist - both as potentials.

Now, every other trajectory to Venus can not be better than our ideal trajectory, but it can either take us there, not take us there or take us there with a different amount of time and effort.

Similarly, any of our ideas about the truth can be as good, not as good or really not very good in comparison to the Truth Trajectory when it comes to getting closer to Source.

Sometimes we - maybe even accidentally or seemingly accidentally - do something which feels just right and is as aligned with the Truth Trajectory as we can be. Sometimes we cannot help ourselves and move away from Source, even if only temporarily. And sometimes we get a little closer, a little farther away, or make not much change at all.

The best trajectory to Venus exists in theory, but computing it might be impossible.

The Truth Trajectory exists as an idea, but one might not be capable of accessing it. It can be felt, it can be accessed, we can find it within ourselves. Sometimes our own trajectory gets near it, maybe crosses it, and we veer off again. But if we pay attention we may over time pick up that we do get near and pick up that we get farther away from it.

Unlike even the simplest space traveller often our navigational equipment is woefully inadequate. We have a hard time gauging where we are and where we should be going. We just keep going, not necessarily knowing that there is a Truth Trajectory to aid us navigating closer to Source.

The space traveller may feel about his trip in many different ways, and it doesn't make much difference to the trip itself.

The spiritual traveller may more and more often experience love, peace, joy and bliss when heading the right direction. And these can be our guides as to where to travel.

The space traveller needs to overcome Earth gravity first, then correct his course over and over when navigating space, and make some adjustements when he reaches his goal.

Also in spiritual practice the biggest effort is at the start when you need to overcome preconceptions, resistance and other obstacles. Then you need to keep going - you need corrections as you go along. Once you enter the path successfully, you need to keep walking it.

No two space travellers have the same perfect trajectory. It changes depending on point of departure, the time of departure and their equipment. And also each human being has their own Truth Trajectory, marking their own way back to Source, allowing for all their uniqueness.

For the space traveller, many trajectories work for their first goal - getting out of the Earth's atmosphere and achieving escape velocity and entering interplanetary space. Then adjustements need to be made to get on a course to Venus.

Similarly, the ideas you start out with - doing your spiritual work - may get you going, but over time you may need to adjust them, drop some, try on others. As long as you're not feeling the Truth Trajectory within you, you will have to keep on trying.

And finally, not only has each space traveller their own perfect trajectory, but even if someone told them about it that would not be enough. Our hypothetical astronaut still needs to make the journey, because knowing the perfect trajectory is not enough. He still needs to execute the flight plan in the most minute detail.

Similarly, if you knew someone who could tell you your own Truth Trajectory, the work is still yours. A spiritual teacher guides, but you put in the work to make your own trajectory as close as you can to the Truth Trajectory.

In time you may even enjoy the ride.

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