Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

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Hello everyone. I decided to start today's blog with me starting up the yoga sutras of patanjali. At the same time through IIH, this will be with my meditation throughout the night. I want to follow the eight fold path as well as finish all three bardon books at the same time. The sutras will be my main course over the years and I expect to finish them in many years from now. I can't put a time on it, but it could be tomorrow because I don't believe in time. I will keep blogging about experiences I have with the sutras, what I am accomplishing, and keep updating. I thought why not start out with this, I already got my asana, vacancy of mind, and meditation, I just suck at focusing on one object, yet I can do it for about five minutes so it is something I am working on. Well, I will be on my way now.

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  1. Beekeeper's Avatar
    Five minutes is pretty decent, actually. You're doing well.
  2. GMAN12's Avatar
    Thank you! I am actually up to 15 minutes now. Slowly working my way up.
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