Fuzzy, Pleasant Tickle
, 14th November 2013 at 11:32 PM (4482 Views)
I started a dream journal to help with memory recall and lucidity. I've made some real progress since the start of journaling my dreams. A strange thing happened while dreaming on two different occasions. I began to focus on a woman in my dream, I focused on her hair, her close, the colors she was wearing, ect. The more i focused on details about her, the more I began to feel a "fuzzy pleasant tickle" on my deltiods. Then I woke up to find myself having what i think was an OBE. A similar incident happed just days later while meditating I drifted into a conscious dream-lucid dream. I concetrated on what I was doing. I began to smell a strong oder of Acetalyene as if I where in a weld shop (I was dreaming of working with a Oxcgyen Acetalyne torch) . Then I woke in a "mind awake body asleep" state with a strong feeling of floating and hovering. Unable to see I slowly regained feeling and "body awareness". Then I opened my eyes. I can only wonder if there may be some link between the level of focus and concentration one can achive that will trigger the out-of-body state.