John Sorensen

Change the World?

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To change the world, change your self,

for you are the world

and the world is you.

The world is insane

what we know in our heart of hearts is true

nothing more

All attempts to move to sanity

are movements away from "what is"

You are already are what you are

there is nowhere to go

and nothing to "do"

Where do we travel

but to where we already are

and return to

from whence we came

Stop struggling

stop resisting

Just allow

Just Be

All things we have chosen

and when we have had enough

we will stop choosing

Life is desire and passion wrapped in a bundle of joy

You are joy, we are joy

There is no separation from All That Is

There is no descension or ascension

You already are all that you ever will be

You need only change your perspective

Change your focus

To see how grand you are

Your world is you

Your universe is you

Your reality is You, reflected back at yourself

"We doubt everything and everyone except our own ignorance"
-Master Ching Hai

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