
My Magical Living space

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Jan 2016

In the morning, i opened the back door & there to greet us (the dog & i) was a neighbourhood Robin, he was sitting in the branches of our wild Cherry tree.

This wild cherry tree had seeded itself & grown in the last 15 years of life

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Updated 11th October 2016 at 02:39 PM by newfreedom



  1. newfreedom's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GRANT
    I have a magical space. I call it my Faery Garden. Its more of an Alleyway.
    I had a very nice Faery Garden where I used to live. I am trying to make my new one very attracting.
    Hi Grant, only just found your comments.

    My garden has the potential to be amazing, it's truly beautiful now, but it's very wild & somewhat neglected still at the present time
  2. newfreedom's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GRANT
    Have you had visit from Faerys?
    Not that i have been aware of, i do sense things at times, but have not seen a faery that i recognised as a fairy
  3. newfreedom's Avatar
    my magical space 'came-on-line' activated boxing day 2016

    when i went in to my kitchen , the bird display seen through my kitchen window, in the garden / trees, i had never ever seen before.... it was a HUGE SIM WELCOME of BIRDS in creative poses EVERYwhere

    xxWOW !xX...

    We have a nice Life - David Bowie

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