ASTRAL PROJECTION - My Experience Thus Far ((PART TWO))
, 6th April 2015 at 02:58 AM (4882 Views)
4. Astral Get-Together.
"So I came out of a dream that I now forget and astral projected. At first I was blind (like last time) and had spun right around vertically (from my head) and got stuck in the ground sort of, so I pushed myself out of it and started floating upwards, which then got me stuck in the ceiling, in like either a light or a fan, eventually I got my sight and pushed myself up and through it. Then I landed in a house that was similar in structure to my own but with different furniture, and there was a cat on the couch. I wanted to see if I could affect the cat so I poked him and he looked up and around. Then I kinda petted him really fast (accidentally too fast) and he freaked out and scratched at the air, getting my hand in the process (sort of). Then I turned around and floated to another part of the house, where there was a kid standing there (a little Caucasian boy with shaggy/curly blonde hair) looking in the general direction I was in and looking frightened. He called out to his mom and said he "couldn't sleep" and I left when I thought I heard his mom begin to call back... Going through a door or a long window. I found myself in a neighborhood I didn't recognize. I felt kinda sad for the cat and scaring the boy so I thought "I want to go home", which then catapulted me through (what seemed like) a wormhole to another area. I ended up at what looked like a pier with a dock and water and houses about 100 or so feet away from it and a small rain-blocking structure in the middle. It was clearly night (as it really was). I noticed others there (other astral projectors I think?) and a thought crossed my mind that this wasn't "home", but somewhere in the U.S..... I spoke to a couple people as they floated around and did silly things and talked amongst themselves... I "swung" off the small structure (lol), and even went in the water at one point, when all of the sudden two young (a bit younger than me) boys faded in and addressed me as "D.D." I said hi to them, as they had some familiarity to them but said that my name is actually Alysha. We talked about something else and that I told them I arrived here when asking to "go home" and they said "so where is your home?", to which I replied "nothing even close... I live in CANADA!" And then I started to say something else when I was cut off and slung back to my body because of an alarm clock thing.... I tried to project again to talk to spirit guides but couldn't. I may try again later today ....."
5. AP-Oopsie.
"Okay so I started the projection by slightly waking up with the chimes, like usual, and just quickly lifted out and up. It seemed easy. And everything was normal-looking yet maybe slightly yellowish? Like there was a bright incandescent light bulb on the ceiling... I think I started feeling around for stuff just to see how easy it was to go through things. Also I remember having astral vision when I first left my body and seeing a slightly blue transparent body lifting from my real body. I "stood up" real fast lol... And the stuff I was feeling around for... Was my body. I looked down at the couch, saw everything there except my body. Wtf? I immediately started thinking "maybe I'm not projecting, maybe I'm just awake?" So I put my body through things and of course that meant I was projecting... So I felt around the couch for my body, slowly. There was an indent where my body was supposed to be in the couch but it wasn't actually there. I felt around the indent trying to see if I could FEEL my body even though I couldn't see it. I did that for a little while and then all of the sudden I GUESS I shot back to my body because I was suddenly in a semi-lucid dream, turning into a normal dream. I don't remember all of said dream but there was something about little fuzzie creatures invading and taking over my space (house?), able to "transform" into people to try and pretend to be nice to get you to trust them... Also during my dream I kept repeatedly showing people that I can move through things, especially a table in the center of the main room. Also at one point there was a ring I had (actually multiple rings that I put together) that when worn called a helper that was like Ariel of the Little Mermaid that would get rid of the fuzzie things (fuzzie were DARK when on the floor). Interesting dream. I know more happened but wish I could remember. Yet again. ***"
6. THE "MORE THAN ONE" - A. (3 AP's that seemed intertwined somehow)...
"I had more than just one Astral Projection / Lucid Dream this afternoon so I'll see how much I can remember. They were all intertwined. I had multiple dreams/projections in a matter of minutes.
((NOTE TO SELF: Vex & Devtrix - met them before))
The first one I remember is a projection that turned into a dream. I knew I was projecting and I forget exactly what I did but when it turned into a dream I woke up on the couch in a slightly different house and my grandmother was there, on the phone with my mom, talking about how I never woke up to get ISAAC so she had to come get him and it was 6 o'clock. For some reason I couldn't wake up properly but I knew what was happening and had a sinking feeling in my gut. She gave the phone to me and my mom bitched and yelled at me for not getting up and I hung up. I then heard mama talking to ISAAC upstairs and yelling down asking me if I EVERY wiped his butt properly (he was going to the bathroom I guess). At some point I went back to my body."
"The next one (after a couple exit attempts after slightly waking up, I believe) I exited my body but got half-stuck, eventually making my way out. I floated around and up to the ceiling, bobbing along it (again noticing that my body's was not on the couch). I thought something along the lines of "I wanna meet my guide" or "I want my guide", etc. I went through the ceiling. After doing that I turned around and noticed that even though I should've been in the next floor to my house, I was outside and somewhere else, in a beautiful lush green town with a long brown building down the street. (I remember from the previous AP/LD that I was wearing some kind of weird green lacy skirt and a grey hoodie), and before I could even finish the thought "What the ♥♥♥♥... Where---" a man with black hair, a thin face and piercing blue eyes (with slightly darker than usual eye rims I think - and he looked late 30's or early 40's) suddenly said something as to where I was, cutting me off mid-thought. I looked at him and knew immediately he was there to help me - this is someone I've never seen before in my life and he spoke with intelligence, and I trusted him. I either can't remember what he said or I was too confused to hear. Anyway, I buried my face in my sweater as I took his hand and he lead me into the brown building. He said, "Okay, now let's go downstairs." And I started to walk forward and he grabbed my hand. He said "No no" laughing. "Let's try that again". I instantly realized he wanted me to float through the floor to the basement. I did so, but got stuck halfway. I was like OH NO, HERE WE GO... And he said something to try and help but I just shrugged and relaxed, shooting at fast speeds down to the lower level. When I got down there, there were a pile of people, young and old, waiting for me. I was having trouble with my astral vision so I said so and pointed to my face. Some laughed and nodded as if they knew what I was talking about. My helper was already down there. The people clapped that I got through the floor so fast (helper did too) and as I got my vision back I watched him there, smiling at me. I felt happy, like I had made an achievement. But soon after everything stopped and I was thrown back to my body. "
"The next AP/LD started in a different version of this house. I projected (not really knowing it was a projection - but assuming so after some things happened. At first I took off my headphones and "sat up" lol..) and saw a dream character that looked like ISAAC and danced around with him. He was a bit younger than he is now. Then we noticed that a stove burner was emitting fumes that were filling the room and for some reason I was afraid to turn it off so I told someone else to and left with ISAAC. We ran upstairs and out the door. When we got outside I turned around and noticed that behind the door there was actually NO HOUSE. Like it was just a portal. The door morphed sideways and doubled, and opened upwards, a bunch of people slowly coming out and looking happy, fading INTO view as they did. (Also, this was on a side of the road, in a sort of suburban neighborhood, idk). I recognized two of the people as boys I met before I am astral get-together. We remarked about how coincidental it was that they were where I was AGAIN and talked some more, me joking about them following me and saying that it was my fifth or sixth astral projection and that everything seems more realistic than usual. They told me their names and I think it was VEX and DEVRIX, or Devtrix, or Detrix.... Something like that. We walked along a path, seemingly forgetting what I had just come from and still holding ISAAC (who didn't do much because he was a dream character). They started talking about something and when I caught up to them they were doing some weird thing where it was like they were projecting OTHER BEINGS out of themselves - I think it was fantasy-style de y girls for them to talk to. After that I don't remember what happened but I woke up in my body. "
.x. Enigma
•••* THE NEXT PROJECTIONS (or somewhat-projections) WILL BE ADDED BELOW AS THEY HAPPEN. •••*