
Try ROARing, Screaming is a mess - whats the best way to get energy to heart chakra?

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Quote Originally Posted by DarkChylde View Post
I have a really effective method of getting any energy point to whir , we learnt it as a part of our program curriculum years ago , it's called "Psychic Screaming" , you basically take which ever chakra you want to work with and scream out of it (there should be absolutely no strain or pressure on the vocal cords , prevent even your throat from even so much as moving) this is a "mental" scream , it sounds easy but it by far one of the more difficult exercise to get the knack of , (if however you're the sort who takes a challenge and goes "i will eat you up for an easy breakfast and spit your bones out ) practice will pay you major dividends.

remember it's a scream it's meant to get stuff moving , do not be shy or gentle , that is your'e at least game enough for it anyway.

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