
Rinse and repeat?

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Energy works feel good, but when it comes to astral projection, I feel I am totally stuck. It took me a while to realize I am physically relaxed, but my mind is, at best, focused at emptyness. I can visualize cows dancing in pink tutus, but I cannot get into anything even close to what I believe a trance should be. Looks like this is not going to work for me, as all I can do right now, is wait for things to happen.

I believe I need more guidance/structure on this, as I am not an astral natural, obviously. So, I intend to buy Mastering Astral Projection, and work through it, by the letter. I will let you know how it goes.

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  1. susan's Avatar
    That would be a good idea cinnabar.
    One little tip that sometimes worked for me when I felt I had spent long enough raising energy the NEWS way would be to finish by imagining I was circling the soles of my feet. Both at the same time. I went on and on.....and on.......and on.....and on... until either I fell asleep or if I had managed to stay awake I would come to realise that my legs couldnt physically be rotating upwards and swinging backwards and forwards that I was actualy out by the legs,

    We all find our favourite ways that works for us but there is more failure than success , and more frustration than joy . If you can handle the frustration you'll get there.
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