Challenges challenged (the way they supposed to be)
, 12th October 2020 at 05:31 PM (8634 Views)
A breakthrough.
Focusing on clarity (clear mind), creativity (spirit) and quality (spirit, as well) brought me to a totally new level of possibilites in life.
I mean, having (fighting for) clear idea before taking action, facing demons before taking action, and understanding, and focusing on spirit above all - all of that led me to a victory over the shadows.
Feels amazing now to have a totally new perspective, potential and power to make things working a totally different way.
I mean, creativity comes from the spirit (believe it or not). By creativity I mean the literal shaping your life the way people have no idea that they can. They cannot because they cannot see the connection to their spiritual self - equivalent to creative self. Creative means powerful, and it is another eqiuvalent synonym.
It is a matter of openning inward and looking for your own creative forces. Always felt creative - yet never felt this way any time before in my life.