The Awareness behind the dream
, 22nd December 2020 at 04:11 PM (7821 Views)
I tend to believe, as the title suggests that there is awareness behind the dream. That our own consciousness goes so deep, right down past subconscious and unconscious, into the sea of pure awareness (or the ineffable) where everything is all connected and new ideas (and life?) are born out of it through imagination or inspiration. I've also said before a few times that waking life is similar to dream life in that you can be the dream, the dreamer, or just dreaming. Which one are you? and which would you prefer?
I've had plenty of dreams where characters seem to be consciously alive in the sense they show a high level or degree of intelligence. After practicing astral projection/OBE's, meditating along with transcendental dreams, sleep paralysis, altered states of consciousness and all that. The idea consciousness is the foundation or wellspring from which all reality comes into form (1st hermetic principle by the way 'all is mind'), it's not hard to then assume that astral realms or planes are tangibly real places, and that we can visit these places through certain techniques. And, if these places are actually real (not purely physical, rather higher mental/etheric/energetic use whatever term works for you) then it also means astral beings occupy them. In my AP experiences I have seen the astral planes go up multiple levels higher and higher seemingly infinite staircase with many different realms or area's on each plane or level. The astral levels or realms also spiralled downwards the opposite direction seemingly right down into hellish evil realms. It's almost like Life starts out completely basic, simple unity and the higher conscious it becomes the more complex and diverse it is as well.
One such technique is to travel as fast you can in any given direction when you become lucid within a dream, you can fly or run super fast or even jump or teleport, or use a portal. The idea is to get away from your personally projected space within the mental dream realm, and breach the border or cross over into astral territory. Perhaps higher lucidity allows for greater exploration of this, a greater level of awareness would certainly not go astray in helping one to go deeper beyond. Dreams can sometimes be a mix between partial astral, partial personal dreamspace, sometimes unintentionally whereas majority of the time they are 99.9% internally constructed personal projected mental space within the own confines or area of your mind or mental field of awareness. Another technique might be to simply become aware of these boundaries, aware of the confines you are currently within while lucid, then expand it or travel outside of it, maybe shrink it to easily transition beyond it. Sometimes astral beings can creep into your personal dreamspace as well. It's extremely hard to clearly define or clarify, the correct terminology, rules, boundaries, conditions, etc is not well established and very subjective. Much is based on subjective experience trying to cross reference and correlate from other people's experiences to arrive at a somewhat objective viewpoint. Rupert Sheldrake's work on morphic fields might hold a bit more weight here in this regard.
After reading a few accounts on NDEs it seems most people when they die experience similar things, much like in DMT trips. There are shared similarities, but what they often report is the experience is different for everyone according to their belief system. Which implies a dream-like quality to the afterlife, and highlights how important it is to only hold onto beliefs which benefit you personally, and will benefit you even more when you cross over because your belief will shape your experience of it there. Buddhists mention the bardo, christian limbo, etc. and highlight the importance of becoming lucid, overcoming fear to get to a better place when they die, that if you die there you end up back here re-incarnating into a new body with complete amnesia. I highly believe the afterlife is like a shared lucid dream, and I will continue to believe this because that's what I want to happen, so I can become a lucid god in a high level astral realm when I die. This is where all us lucid dreamers have an advantage over non-dreamers because it's likely we will become lucid of the thought "oh yeah I'm dead, I died in real life a few moments ago" and have some level of control to navigate and defend ourselves. The worst thing you could do there is try to force yourself awake, because then you are sent straight into a new body in the physical world (denser version of the astral) that is if you don't already have a body to go back to of course, probably after existing in a deep state of unconsciousness first which wipes the memory (like coma patients the longer they under the more of themselves they lose). If you stay in the astral, you can do anything you can imagine, and places can be so vibrant and vivid that it's more pleasant and peaceful, more 'real' than here. It also explains why we constantly end up back in this physical plane with no memory, which better prepares us for our next chance over there. Back n forth we go crossing over the veil, until we can one day either walk straight through the veil freely (enlightenment/ascension?) or never end up back here again. It would also be much easier to access information over there, deep subconcious learning could be had quite easily and higher levels of lucidity could be gained at an almost expotential rate, provided you get over the inital bump in the road they call limbo or bardo, aka hell.