CFTraveler's Blog
January 2021
, 12th January 2021 at 07:23 PM (8467 Views)
It's been forever since I've written on my blog. As it happens for most people, 2020 was horrendous, and I have hopes that the bad stuff is over and what is happening now is mopping up of bad energy and removing it. Interestingly, in Chinese astrology, 2020 was the year of the rat- and boy, was it. Everything about the rat- plague, hiding, etc., was right on. Sometime in February the year is the year of the Ox. I hope we get the positive aspects of the ox- hard working, well grounded, smart, and tough. I hope the stubbornness of taurus is a positive thing.
I also started the year with a probably unfair ban off facea booka, off for a month. Since I'm a compulsive writer I've decided to write another book, also in spanish, and to write an english version of the book I have out there already. I have to start doing it soon, so I don't get sucked back into FB, which is a time drain.
If anyone of whoever reads this, speaks spanish, finds esoteric adventures fun, buy my book. The forum has a plug for it in the Books version. It's called Las Aventuras de CFTraveler.