I finally projected when I was awake
, 24th June 2011 at 06:16 AM (3370 Views)
This is a series of 6 episodes I had today all in a row. I laid down, closed my eyes, complete relaxation and then the tunnels came. I finally astral projected when I wasn't asleep or so I think. LOL! It was lots of different crazy stuff. I sent a message to my mentor to see what he thinks.
The 1st-- was a tunnel of various colors and when I reached the end I was in a cartoon world. lol It was Simpsons tv characters. It was cool as hell.
2nd- I went through a red colored tunnel and entered a landscape. There was green everywhere. I saw green grass ,hills, and a water fall. I did see these brown walls with tiny mirrors on them that was before you enter the landscape. Very beautiful!
3rd- I went through an oblong grey tunnel. I entered enormous rooms that were empty. There were these big beautiful patterns covering every inch of the walls in each room. It was amazing.
4th- tunnel hit a dead end and a metal door blocked me from entering. I felt like someone was blocking me. I felt someone touching me.
5th - tunnel then I was remote viewing me sitting in this giant bed with family members. There was Mickey mouse sheets and were opening gifts. It was nice.
6th- tunnel- I was laying on my bed in a nightgown and I open my eyes and see myself standing right next to the bed. There was 2 of me in the room. I was wearing the same thing but I had the night gown over my head. I grabbed the hand of the version of me standing up and helped her to get on the bed and lay down next to me. The touch was so real and solid. That kinda freaked me out.
I never had anything like that happen before. I was really trying to be aware and awake to see the difference from when I just projecting when I am asleep. That was way better I have to say!
My mentor said the crazy stuff was my left brain trying to process what was happening. He said when that stops my right brain will take over and I will understand things and it will be different.
I will adjust.