
Trying to remember my dreams

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I try to remember my dreams, but I only get glimpses of them for now.

For example, this morning I had this image: I was sitting at a dinner table with M and his family. M was sitting accross the table and I knew his wife and son were sitting there too (didn't saw them, but knew they were there). M hands me a peach.
And that's all, end of the "dream"!

PS: I remember another dream from last night! It's slightly more elaborate. But it's not a full dream yet. It's a snapshot of a dream.
It was at my place. I was with JA. Somehow we had brought his sister-in-law cat there (as we thought we could do, when it was decided that he would have to take care of the cat while sil went on holiday).
I saw the cat with my cats in the garden and I thought/said: oh, but s.i.l. is coming back today! She's going to miss the cat if he's not home when she comes back! We have to bring him back now!"
And that's all I remember.

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Updated 16th July 2011 at 07:54 AM by Imani (addendum)

Tags: dream, remember


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