I am going to start a new dream diary here under my new log-in name, as I can't use my old name due to various technical problems. . . .
This weekend I had a couple of "teaching" dreams that I found signficant:
In one dream, I was lying on a bed, while being examined by 2 "grey aliens", who were taking my emotions "out of me" & setting them up in "graph form" next to the bed. There were 2 rectangular pillars, a low red one that showed 35% "red emotions", & a tall blue one which indicated 75%
"blue emotions". They seemed pleased with my progress, to my surprise, as I felt I still had a very great deal to work through.
And in another dream, I was participating in a group of students who were being informed by a woman lecturer that meditation was a waste of time. I hesitated, but finally spoke up & disagreed with her; in fact, I ended up giving the lecture, & she asked me questions! I had the distinct impression that I was chanelling the information, as I explained at some length that the mind needed to be both stilled & enlarged in order to receive vital dowlnloads; & that meditation was not a matter of concentration on a subject, but rather the absence of any subjective or objective considerations. . . .