Dreams need interpretation
, 25th September 2011 at 02:27 PM (1837 Views)
In a recent post I made the point that even what we refer to as "regular dreams" is in the dream language, so in a sense most of our dream time is also an energetic language learning session. The most important tool for doing so is after-the-fact interpretation.
While recording your dreams can strengthen your recall, the attempt to interpret them is important as well. It builds the inner translation dictionary. Failing to do so is as if one repeats sentences in a foreign language without associating any meaning with them.
Dream intepretation needn't be hard, very simple examples exist. It's a good precaution that when you dream about teeth to check the health of your teeth. As rich as teeth may be in terms of meaning when it comes to dream symbols ("all bark no bite", "lie through one's teeth"), there's also no better symbol for representing teeth than - well - teeth!
The combination of plot and imagery can convey increasingly complex symbolic meanings. The clarity depends largely on the accumulated skill of the dreamer in learning to decode these meanings. From this point of view, seemingly nonsensical dreams with weird plot twists or bizarre happenings might have been your most information-rich - way beyond the ability to fully decode them. Think about that for a moment before you dismiss one - they're invitations for you to dig deeper.
One problematic habit in dream interpreters I have observed, however, is one of being too literal about dreams and using that to dismiss them. Because something is traced back to an event of last day, something that happened before going to sleep, a movie one saw or something someone said, the dream fragment is left out of the interpretation process as if that explained anything.
The language of dreams is an eclectic one. It makes use of everything in your mind because your mind is acting as the perceiver and translator. Things fresh on your mind are therefore almost bound to become dream symbols if they can be used to convey something about what went on energetically that night.
Sometimes, this is in direct relation - what happened last day is processed, and faces, events and pictures from that day will be mixed in. But it still pays to interpret these things to at least establish this is what happened and not something entirely else.
One has to be careful for example when people appear that one knows. They might mean something is in relation to the actual person, but in many cases a person is just a rich symbol or a standin for what that person means to you.
In my dreams, guides consistantly appear as family or co-workers. If I wouldn't consider the possibility of them being standins, I would not realise this or the meaning of my nightly experience. Dreams would remain a misundertood subject for me with little relation to my life, when in fact they form a significant portion of my spiritual life now.
That's why I think dreams need interpretation. It will add meaning to your dream life, quite literally. Dreams will become more meaningful and easier to interpret. And will reveal another dimension of your life to you.