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Coralie's Manifestation Manual Step Two
, 10th October 2011 at 03:15 PM (7342 Views)
On to Manifesting
Now you are ready to do some manifesting. Realize that manifestation is what we are here to do- We (and I mean everything and everyone) create this existence. This is our job, and what we do every day. You either do it subconsciously (another day, another dollar) or consciously: "The Universe is an unlimited source". It is important that we realize we are not talking about money or objects only- in fact money and objects are the result of our manifested emotion. So the emotion better be positive and constructive. This has to be very clear, and it not up for debate. We can discuss until the cows come home about this, but if you don’t believe this, then this manual isn't for you.
To improve the quality and effectiveness of your creative power, these are the steps:
*Cultivate gratitude. Be grateful for what you have. You are the product or expression of the Universal creative principle (one of the attributes of God, for those religiously inclined) and it is essential that we recognize the source- gratitude opens up channels for more creativity. So thank the God of your understanding for everything you have, and when you get something, thank God for it. That doesn’t mean you don’t thank or feel gratitude towards the person/organization your good came from- Wherever it came from is an actualization of this principle. So if Grandma gave me $20.00 I must feel grateful for the fact that she thought of me and wanted me to have it, and also thankful for God for bringing her to me for this good thing. Love and Gratitude.
About God: It doesn't matter what your understanding of God is, as long as it includes the Creative Principle, but it is helpful to think of God (or Goddess, or the Universe, etc.) as a benevolent force. And why wouldn't it be? This thought process should have been dealt with in the beginning steps.
Realize that you are part (an essential part) of everything that is. Realize that everything you do is good (and if it isn't, then it’s time to change that) for the greater whole. So apply this feeling of positive contribution to the whole to everything you do. Even if you don’t love it, you are doing somebody good. So when you pay your light bill, remember that your money is part of the money that one of the people working there might need to feed his/her family, and they can do it because of people like you. And God working through you for that/these person/people.
*Tithe. I don't mean to a church or religious organization, but that's ok too, provided that you feel that it’s for the benefit of others. Tithing applies to anything or anybody. If there is someone who is hungry, feeding them is tithing. Reading to the blind is tithing. You get the picture. Your prosperity is for the good of the universe. You deserve to be prosperous.
Why all this giving? Three answers: One: You are the manifestation of good in this world. Giving out of Love, or the desire to do good puts you in harmony to the highest part of yourself. Two: You are part of the greater picture: The more good you do, the more good there is to come back to you. Three: The universe abhors a vacuum. If you give, you give the Universe a chance to fill the empty space. And since the Universe is always creating itself, you will probably get more than what you gave. (The universe is always creating itself? Yep, that's why it's inflating).
It has been said that Love is the only thing that's real, and I agree with this. I don't mean what is popularly thought of as love (lust, wanting to possess, etc.) but what is known as the drive to want the best for someone else, the desire to protect someone else, in the material sense. Without getting into mythology, it has been reported by people that have had NDE's that the only beings (people) that existed or they thought about were the people (animals, etc.) that they loved- nothing else seemed to exist in the state they were in. So let's take that into consideration: When you want to manifest, what is the most important part of it is how the object of manifestation is going to make you feel. When you think of this, you need to recall that emotion- you have to make the emotion happen when you think of the object. So, if I want to manifest a pool, when I think of this pool, instead of thinking "I want this pool" which is a big no-no I have to think about the good times I am going to happen in it. The feeling of love has to be tied to it: (Love as in: Having fun with your family/friends that you love, etc.).
*Visualize and Realize. (I know, it sounds cheesy, but it rhymes)
Always visualize what you want in the present as if you have it already. Realize you are putting positive energy in manifesting something that already exists in the astral- What you are doing is helping it manifest in the actual (material,time space continuum, yadda yadda…). This may take time in the actual, but if you think about it as something in the future, you are pushing the deadline forward- permanently. Remember that in the astral, it is always now. Only the actual takes time. So you think of what you want as if you have it already- because somewhere you have it already- you just want it in the actual- already. When you think of something as being in the future, you are affirming that it is not here now. So if you want something, you have to affirm it is here now. Just 'cause you don't see it yet doesn't mean it's not here at all. It's here, you just haven't seen it yet.
The last part of the journey towards manifestation:
*Affirmation. This is the part many (including me) have made fun of, yet it works. It helps undo the damage that negative programming has put in your understanding. And it can help if you apply yourself to it. Depending on what you want to manifest, affirmation can be tedious or easy. This is how I do it, and it’s easy for me. (Started out tediously, but I trimmed it into what worked for me)- so here it is:
Remember the list of pro’s and cons for what we wanted to manifest? We got rid of the cons, now we turn the pro’s into affirmations. In the present tense, as if you have it now. For example:
In the original example, I wanted a car. So I wrote: "It's going to help the economy if I get this car". This turns into: "My beautiful new car is good for the economy." This is an affirmation. Do this with each of your pros. Then look around your life and see if there is negativity in places you wouldn’t expect, and write affirmations that deny the reality of this negativity. I do this in my home office, where I open the mail, and go in the internet. All kinds of negative programming flood the mail daily, so I have stuff dispersed in places I can see them where I do most of this type of activity: Kind of a self-styled subliminal programming. For example, amongst my daily-use envelopes I have a few that say stuff like "God is my Supply", and "Only Good things Happen to me." All my files say "Trust God" on the inside. Other general things like "There is no limit to God's Good" and stuff like that. So when I open a piece of mail trying to sell me "help with my financial problems" I am counteracting with "God is my Supply=No limits". It's sneaky but I can be sneaky right back.
Of course, this is how I do this- if you are opposed to the idea of God for whichever reason, you can use "The Universe" "The Creative Principle" or whatever resonates with you (i.e. 'floats your boat'). The idea is to continue to feed the inner creative power that you possess. Of course, if you don’t believe you possess it then you probably stopped reading this a while ago, and if you didn't, then try it for kicks and giggles.
It's just a matter of where you want to focus your mind.
Affirmations should be done before going to sleep, and should be at first written and read aloud to yourself, and later on in your process you can do them in your head. But they should be done for at least a month at first, and then tapered down to 'as needed'. As I said before, they should be told in the present "I love my new car"; and as simply as possible. For example, the above affirmation would be how I tell the one I was previously describing in the description.
I just want to add that this is a simple manifesting manual, it can be used for anything provided you have the ability to focus to this degree.
It's not meant to substitute whatever religious doctrine you subscribe to and works for you, and it definitely shouldn't be substituted for any medical treatment you may be having- but it can be used in conjunction with whatever form of healing you have chosen. Not being a healer, I will stay away from that, and leave it to the experts, energetic and otherwise.
I also want to reiterate that it is not a substitute for hard work- work is sometimes the result of a successful manifesting process- but it should be satisfying fulfilling work.
So go on and manifest, and have a good time while you do it.
Cheers and giggles, C.F.
Written by Coralie Fer♥♥♥♥♥z.