On Elementals, Part IV
, 18th October 2011 at 07:18 AM (2358 Views)
Another interesting angle to look at when dealing with elementals is the actual nature of energetic blocks preventing flow within them.
Again, I'm kind of unclear what this could be in the etheric, though in the past I encountered early fears from my childhood that needed releasing. Most people will primarily consciously experience blocks in the astral and mental elementals.
In the astral body, this takes the form or desires and wants you cannot let go off easily or do not want to. In the mental body Kurt has coined the term "ideas about the truth." Which is a very subtle term - it means that you have an idea about what might be true and adhere to it as if it were true. This is completely independent of the actual truth content of the idea itself.
In a typical scenario these two kinds of blocks can be entwined. Think about a person who believes that they need a certain person as their partner and obsesses about that person. This is a mixture of desire and belief. Together, the astral and mental elemental effectively block out the soul who might not have such a limited idea about partnership, about who is an eligible partner and what is important for that individual.
The irony of this is that we often believe something will make us happy and desire it, and this prevents us from actually establishing flow and be happy. And that what we believe must be true often blocks us from discovering what is actually true from the perspective of the soul.
"Must" and "should" are strong indicators of the mental elemental at work. This often denotes that we operate from an idea about the truth. Similarly, we often operate from the mental elemental when we build big "conceptual cathedrals" - elaborate belief systems that try to link everything and be everything from the bits we know or think we know.
When the mental elemental is behaving like this, it is effectively out of control as it erects barriers to the soul and instead tries to enforce its own ideas about the truth. The mental elemental (often also identified as the ego) has many uses, like interpreting energetic experiences into language and depictions, implementing plans, working out technicalities and dealing with many of the details of living incarnated on the planet. But it is not ultimately meant to come up with the plans (which originate with the soul) or discerning the truth, something which truly comes from the soul and beyond.
As a first step, becoming conscious of these tendencies of the elementals is a good step to lessen their effect. But also remember what the elementals actually need (their "proper nutrition") and give them that. Elementals that have their actual needs fulfilled don't act out as much, don't strive as much for false surrogates, and they have less of a tendency to eclipse the soul when pursuing their own ends.
Blocks in the elementals are tendencies, habits, ingrained behaviours. If you start to countermand them in any way and lessen them, you have set in motion a process that also lessens their influence over you, and either they might become easier and easier to tackle, or bigger issues might become approachable that weren't before. Restraining the elementals, taking care of their needs and aligning them towards the plans of the soul, that's one possible way to work towards spiritual maturation.